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Social Cataloguing By Jessie Buckley.

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1 Social Cataloguing By Jessie Buckley

2 What is Social Cataloguing?
Sites whose primary purpose is the cataloguing of material owned by its members (books, DVDs, music), while also building a community of users with that shared interest. Above and beyond the standard cataloguing, users build up a vast quantity of social data around the records, such as reviews, recommendations, ratings and tags. Rawson, J. 2011, ‘Social Cataloguing’, Socialoxfordlibs [wiki], Retrieved: 23 May 2011, From A term that isn’t clearly defined as it is decribes a technology that’s constantly evolving – often interchangable with other web 2 term like user tagging, social tagging, and social bookmarking But I thought this quote from an oxford libraries wiki explained it really well Today I will focus on Social cataloguing sites and applications dealing with books, as I am looking at how they have affected libraries

3 Social Cataloguing sites
LibraryThing Goodreads Shelfari aNobii Bookjetty weRead Visual bookshelf LibraryThing – started 2006 Goodreads – 2006 aNobii – comes from latin for bookworm, founded 2006 Shelfari – started 2006 taken over by 2008 Bookjetti – over 300 libraries in 100 countries weRead – application via Facebook, MySpace, Visual bookshelf – part of a group of social cataloguing applications (Livingsocial) on Facebook

4 Common Features Search for/add books Tagging Rate/review
Recommendations/connections Friends/groups Search – using Amazon, Library catalogues Some sites allow scanning of barcodes – with wand or phone Tagging – assigning keywords to item – helps to group similar items Rate/review – usually star rating out of 5, read and share reviews with others Recommendations – manually recommend to friends, automatic recommendations/connections to books similar to yours/people with similar taste Friends/groups – most allow adding of friends, newsfeed when friends add books, groups for people to discuss books, genres, authors etc. Many authors are on sites

5 LibraryThing Founded by Tim Spalding, May 2006
More than a Million members More than 62 Million books 700 sources Free to catalog 200 books Thingamabrarians Tim Spalding – worked in publishing and claims he “invented” the term “social cataloguing” Not the biggest – Goodreads more than 5 Mill. Members & 150 Mill. books Sources include Library of Congress, all Amazon sites– 47 countries – 35 languages $10 year or $25 lifetime account = endless number of books

6 How are libraries using it?
To promote new books To promote library (LibraryThing Local) Adding social features to catalogue (LibraryThing for libraries) Promote – widget cover art , links on their website to LibraryThing LibraryThing for libraries – 1,616 libraries - 44 Australian libraries or library groups

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