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University of California

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1 University of California
Integrated Optical Wavelength Converters and Routers for Robust Wavelength-Agile Analog/ Digital Optical Networks Project Overview and Status Daniel J. Blumenthal (PI), John E. Bowers, Larry A. Coldren, Nadir Dagli and Evelyn L. Hu University of California Santa Barbara, CA Tel: (805) ;

2 Program Objectives Develop and demonstrate chip-scale integrated wavelength conversion, monitoring and routing on a common in-plane InP photonic integration platform. Demonstrate and characterize InP wavelength converters with both digital and analog transmission requirements. Investigate the impact of integration in a common InP platform on performance, power dissipation and footprint of future DoD chip-level functions.

3 Program Overview InP Integrated Optical
Program Manager: Jagdeep Shah (DARPA/MTO) Technical Contract Manager: Justin Hodiak (SPAWAR) InP Integrated Optical Tunable Wavelength Converters and Routers PI: D. J. Blumenthal Co-PIs: J. Bowers, L. A. Coldren, N. Dagli, E. Hu Task 1 All-Optical SOA Interferometric Wavelength Converter (SOA-IWC) Task Leader: Blumenthal Task 2 Optical Filter/ Mux/DeMux/Router Task Leader: Dagli Task 3 Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit (OEIC) Wavelength Converter Task Leader: Coldren Wafer Processing Task Leader: Rob Simes (Agility) Baseline: 15 Months Option 1*: 21 Months Option 2*: 12 Months Start Date 6/26/02 Baseline Milestones 9/25/03 Option 1 Milestones 6/25/05 Program End Date 6/25/06 * Options renewal dependent

4 Personnel Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Integration Platform Administrative
Task Leader: Blumenthal (PI) Larry Coldren (CO-PI) John Bowers (CO-PI) Milan Masanovic (S) Vikrant Lal (S) John Barton (S) Hubert Chou (S) Joe Summers (S) Zhaoyang Hu (PD) Xuejin Yan (PD) Task 2 Task Leader: Dagli (CO-PI) Evelyn Hu (CO-OI) Amin Xing (S) Wenbin Zao (S) Milan Masanovic (S) Cem Ozturk (PD) Task 3 Task Leader: Coldren (CO-PI) John Bowers (CO-PI) Matt Sysek (S) Erik Skogen (S) John Barton (S) Jeff Henness (S) Integration Platform Task Leader: Simes (Agility) Larry Coldren (CO-PI) Milan Masanovic (S) Erik Skogen (S) James Raring (S) Administrative Daniel Blumenthal (PI) Alex Locke (ECE Budget) Lisa Garza (Admin Assistant)

5 Common Integration Platforms
InP Planer Photonic Integrated Circuits Common Elements Active Waveguides Passive Waveguides Filter Waveguides Absorbing Waveguides Active/Passive Integration Offset Quantum Wells Quantum Well Intermixing

6 InP Building Blocks All-Optical Wavelength Converter
Mode Converter + Active WG + Passive WG + MMI-Splitters/Combiners + Tunable Laser + Ring Resonator Filter Wavelength Router/Mux/Demux Mode Converter + Passive WG + MMI-Splitters/Combiners + Ring Resonator Filter + TIR Turning Mirror Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit WC Active WG + Passive WG + Photodetector + electronic amplifier + EAM + Mode Converter Mode Converter Power Splitter/ Combiner Ring/Disk Resonator Filter TIR Mirror Active Waveguide Passive Waveguide Filter Waveguide Tunable Laser Photo- detector Electro- Absorption Modulator

7 3-Year Goals Demonstrate common InP platform chip-scale integration
2-stage all-optical wavelength converter with integrated filters Wavelength router/mux/demux Demonstrate conversion of any one of 32 input wavelengths to any one of 32 output wavelengths Demonstrate dynamic (<1ms) switching time. Demonstrate conversion of digital signals Digital out to 2.5 Gbps with low BER (10-9) Analog signals with 20 GHz instantaneous bandwidth and high SFDR Demonstrate wavelength converters with analog and digital signal performance monitoring capabilities.

8 Performance Metrics and Target Goals
l Resolution/Channel Spacing FSR (nm) Loss/ Gain (dB) Pout (mW) BW tswitch (ms) RIN (dB/Hz) AOWC 32 (C-Band) 100 GHz NA TBD 0.1 2.5 GHz 1.0 < -150 WR-M/D RRF C-Band 30 < 10 <1nm 3dB TIR < 2/ mirror OEIC

9 Key Milestones: Baseline Period
Baseline: 15 Months Option 1*: 21 Months Option 2*: 12 Months Start Date 6/26/02 Baseline Milestones 9/25/03 Option 1 Milestones 6/25/05 Program End Date 6/25/06 Demonstrate operational chip-on-carrier single-stage SOA-IWC with integrated tunable laser capable of tuning to 32 wavelengths (1550nm C-band). Demonstrate InP single disk resonator filter with 100GHz FSR. Develop High-Quality InP etching techniques for filters, interferometers and multiplexers and demonstrate TIR mirror and strongly confined waveguide Demonstrate directly modulated OEIC wavelength converter with electrical tap/monitor capabilities, capable of tuning to 32 wavelengths (1550nm C-band). Measure analog and digital performance of both AOWC and OEIC-WC The goal of this program is to investigate and develop the next generation of photonic integrated Chip-Scale optical wavelength converter and wavelength routing platform.

10 Baseline Hardware Deliverables
Deliver three (3) working chip-on-carrier prototypes of the all-optical converters to the MIT-LL DARPA designated FFRDC test facility. Deliver three (3) working directly modulated OEIC-WC (with monitoring) as a chip-on-carrier to the MIT-LL DARPA designated FFRDC test facility.

11 18 Month Baseline Schedule
Task 1 C C C C Task 2 C C C C Task 3 C C Today

12 Options 1 & 2 Hardware Deliverables
Deliverables under Option 1, if exercised: Three (3) packaged single-stage SOA-IWC with an integrated filter and an integrated mode converter which has 32 wavelength. Three (3) externally modulated OEIC-WC packaged as a chip-on-carrier. Deliverables under Option 2, if exercised: Three (3) packaged two-stage SOA-IWC with an integrated filter, an integrated mode converter and 32-wavelength capability. Three (3) externally modulated OEIC-WC flip-chip bonded to a multi-chip module (MCM) with interface electronics.

13 Program Technical Accomplishments to Date
Task I: AOWC Demonstrated world’s first integrated tunable SGDBR laser and SOA-IWC Increased tuning range of integrated laser/AOWC to 50 nm in L-band/C-band Measured digital modulation performance out to 5 Gbps Design and demonstrated novel InP couplers: 2-stage MMI and laterally tapered Developed time domain simulator for InP planar AOWCs Task II: Filter/Mux/DeMux Design and fabricated disc based ring resonator filter. Design and fabricated TIR based ring resonator filter Fabricated high quality InP TIR mirrors and waveguides Task III: OEIC/WC-Monitor Fabricated first generation directly modulated OEIC wavelength converter. Compared multiple modulator designs First generation design for photodetector directly driving integrated EAM Demonstrated digital monitoring functionality Integration Platforms Advances in QWI for higher performance active/passive circuits Packaging Chip on carrier design completed and implemented Technical Interactions Met with Vincent Chan on architecture issues Met with MIT-LL to design and plan experiments for Spring shipment of AOWC Unplanned Accomplishments Novel EAM XAM Single Stage Wavelength Converter with Monitor

14 Next Steps Sending working device to MIT-LL May 2003
Improve coupling loss of AOWCs C-Band Operation of AOWCs TIR ring resonator based filter measurements OEIC with monitor digital and analog demonstration Analog performance measurements of AOWC and OEIC-Monitor Initial packaging stages of AOWC

15 Technology Demonstration/Transition Plan
Working chip-on-carrier prototypes of the all-optical and optoelectronic (with monitoring) converters will be delivered to the MIT-LL DARPA designated test facility. Interaction with MIT-LL will require collaboration and transfer of knowledge and technology to use/test these devices. Collaboration with other projects funded in the CS-WDM program (e.g. Vincent Chan/MIT). Publications in peer reviewed journals and conferences will result from this project. Graduate students trained in areas related to chip-scale WDM integration Novel aspects of this work may lead to new inventions and innovations and possibly patents.

16 Budget and Spending

17 Resulting Publications to Date
“Monolithically Integrated Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Wavelength Converter and Widely-Tunable Laser in InP,” Milan L. Mašanović, Vikrant Lal, Jonathon S. Barton, Erik J. Skogen, Daniel J. Blumenthal, Larry A. Coldren, submitted to IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2003. “Widely-Tunable Chip-Scale Transmitters and Wavelength Converters,” Larry A. Coldren , IPR 2003, Invited talk “InP Laterally Tapered Wide-bandwidth Optical Power Splitter,” Xuejin Yan, Marcelo Davanco, Milan Masanovic, Wenbin Zhao, Daniel J. Blumenthal, to be presented at CLEO, Maryland. June, 2003. “Demonstration of Monolithically-Integrated InP Widely-Tunable Laser and SOA-MZI Wavelength Converter,” Milan L. Mašanović, Erik J. Skogen, Jonathon S. Barton, Vikrant Lal, Daniel J. Blumenthal and Larry A. Coldren To be presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, May , Santa Barbara, CA, 2003. “Multimode Interference-Based 2-Stage 1x2 Light Splitter for Compact Photonic Integrated Circuits,” Milan L. Mašanović, Erik J. Skogen, Jonathon S. Barton, Joseph Sullivan, Daniel J. Blumenthal and Larry A. Coldren, To Appear in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, May 2003. “Cascaded Multimode Interference-Based 1x2 Light Splitter for Photonic Integrated Circuits,” M. Masanovic, E. Skogen, Barton, J. Sullivan, D. J. Blumenthal, and L. Coldren, Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research (IPR), Vancouver, Canada, Paper IThA5, Jul 14-17, 2002. “Integrated Devices for Wavelength-Agile All-Optical Networks,” D. J. Blumenthal, Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research (IPR), Vancouver, Canada, Paper IWB1, July 14-17, 2002 (Plenary Paper)

18 Enabling Publications
J.T. Getty, E.J. Skogen, L.A. Coldren, "Multistage Segmented 1.55um Lasers with Record Differential Efficiency, Low Thresholds, and 50W Matching," LEOS 2003 Annual Meeting, Postdeadline Paper PD1.2, Glasgow, UK, November, J.T. Getty, L.A. Johansson, E.J. Skogen, L.A. Coldren, "Segmented 1.55um Laser with 400% Differential Quantum Efficiency," OFC 2003, Paper TuG1, Atlanta, GA, March, 2003. Erik J. Skogen, James W. Raring, Jonathon S. Barton, Steven P. DenBaars, and Larry A. Coldren, ”Post-Growth Control of the Quantum-Well Band Edge for Optimized Widely-Tunable Laser-X Devices”, submitted to Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics Jonathon S. Barton, Erik J. Skogen, Milan Mašanovic, James Raring, Matt Sysak, Leif Johansson, Steven P. DenBaars, Larry A. Coldren, “Photonic Integrated Circuits Based on Sampled-Grating Distributed Bragg Reflector Laser” (invited talk), Photonics West 2003, [ ] Jonathon S. Barton, Erik J. Skogen, Milan Mašanovic, Steven P. DenBaars, Larry A. Coldren, “Widely-tunable high-speed transmitters using integrated SGDBRs and Mach-Zehnder modulators “, submitted to Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

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