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DOE Mini-Review of the LCLS Project

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1 DOE Mini-Review of the LCLS Project
LCLS Project Management M. Reichanadter / SLAC

2 Project Management Overview
Outline Project Management Overview Resource-Loaded Schedule & WBS Org TPC, TEC, Contingency Project Schedule & Critical Path Project Organization & Management Summary

3 LCLS Project Philosophy
LCLS Project Structure Fixed-vs-flexible baseline, more management levels, more delegation. Transparent organizational structure and configuration management. LCLS team “owns the work plan”. The LCLS resource-loaded cost/schedule database is the single source of approved LCLS scope, cost and schedule work plan. “Plan the work … Work the plan”. Emphasis on meeting schedules/milestones. Changes to the “plan” are approved through change control. LCLS is not a green site. Identify core group of scientists, engineers and managers. LCLS SLAC, LCLS ANL / LLNL Matrix supporting infrastructure from 3 collaborating labs. LCLS seeking industrial solutions (bias toward “buy” versus “make”) Candidates: Controls, Magnets, Vacuum, Lasers, Optics Core strength of LCLS team is Physics and System Integration LCLS will co-manage needed R&D along with baseline Controls, 2-D Pixel Detector, EOU Diagnostics LCLS identifies risks up-front (continuous over the life cycle) Conventional Facilities, Controls, XTOD, Undulators

4 LCLS Resource Loaded Schedule
The LCLS resource-loaded schedule comprises ~14,000 tasks. ~9000 Activities with resources, ~900 Work Packages, ~600 Control Accounts 7-L1, 34-L2 & 129-L3 milestones used to report progress. Earned-Value measured against resource-loaded schedule. LCLS uses Primavera (P3) for scheduling & COBRA as a cost processor. SLAC has successfully delivered with P3/COBRA (PEP-II, GLAST, SPEAR-III). Significant supporting documentation for LCLS base costs. Basis of Estimate covers base costs only. Contingency assessed independently. A WBS Dictionary defines the scope of work at the lowest WBS level (typically Level 5/6). A series of design reviews/workshops were conducted to ensure that the scope of work will achieve the LCLS mission. Contingency is assessed at the lowest WBS. Design Maturity & Judgment Factor (risk-based) Work schedule, commitments and resource profiles are derived from the resource-loaded schedule.

5 LCLS WBS LCLS is organized into fully integrated (design through commissioning) decoupled systems. Decoupling allows each system to go as fast as technically possible. Allows phased commissioning Management & Integration Product-based Components I&A – Components into subsystems Physics Commissioning Controls is embedded in technical systems. Improves controls / hardware interface. Configuration management is easier. Needs good coordination between Controls Manager and System Manager. Dual signature authority

6 LCLS Total Project Cost (Sep04)
LCLS Revised Cost Estimate $315MAY TEC $379MAY TPC Approve CD-2b (Perf. Baseline) is planned for Dec-04. ~35.2% (was 29.5%) contingency on work remaining LCLS is ~37% complete on PED

7 Contingency Assessment @ L2 (Nov04)
Compares well with Available Contingency on WR (35.2%)

8 TEC / OPC Profiles TEC. Softened FY05 scheduled work (CR until Jan05, 40% cont FY05) TEC from $273M to $315M Base from $213M to $236.5M PO Staff, Constr, CM Staff CD-4 extends into FY09 Cont from $42M to $64M Mostly in CF OPC. FY07 ($8M spares) + some power + comm team + MR. FY08 more power + larger comm team + MR + start-up funds. FY09 power + full start-up team + MR + start-up funds. Apr09 (start of operations)

9 LCLS Summary Schedule – Sep04
Critical Path Increased float to 214 days (10.5 mos.) from 140 days (7 mos.) Through Linac and B.O. for e-beam dump Increased explicit float on all CF B.O. dates from 2 mos. to 3 mos. Softened 1Q-05 for continuing resolution Extended CD-4 to March 2009 from Sept 2008 Improved schedule + later CD-4 increased schedule contingency from 16% to 24%

10 “New” LCLS Organization
Increase senior level expertise Chief Scientist will oversee project physicists Construction Safety professional Dedicated procurement group The E-Beam systems and X-Ray systems Oversight staff will add a management layer between the system managers and the project office Laser Group Manager to provide expertise to the entire project

11 LCLS Procured Materials and Services / Lab
Lab Procurement efforts are decentralized SLAC ~$15M/yr ANL FY06-FY07 Undulators LLNL modest procurements of mostly commercial items

12 SLAC-LCLS Procurement Organization
Dedicated Procurement Cell (co-located) LCLS Procurement Manager (TBD) Dual reporting to LCLS PD (Galayda) & BIS AD (Jobe) Signature Authority up to $750K is proposed Technical Lead (Jamison) Conv. Fac. Lead (Patten) Administrative Aide (TBD) LCLS Procurement Consultant Desaulniers, 1st visit next week Executing PMCS Award & Laser RFP Executed A/E Award & Co-author CM SOW LCLS Procurement Team; Provides input to procurement schedule, Signs off and executes APP’s, Evaluation team member

13 LCLS Peoplepower / System / Lab
FY05 “softened” from 99FTE’s but still a challenge

14 LCLS is under Configuration Management
Management Control LCLS Project Management Plan with Appendices LCLS Advance Procurement Mgmt Plan w/ Critical Procurements Appendix LCLS Quality Implementation Plan LCLS Risk Management Plan with Risk Registry Appendix Technical Control of Scope Technical Specifications Documents GRD, PRDs, ESDs, RDSs, ICDs WBS Dictionary Cost/Schedule/Resource Control LCLS P3 Cost & Schedule Database With Baseline Change Requests LCLS L1-L2-L3 Milestones

15 LCLS Monthly Report (14 months of reporting, 6 months on TPC)
Technical Highlights Issues and Assessments Earned-Value Performance Milestone Performance Change Control Log

16 LCLS Project Coordination
ILCC meets quarterly to address issues affecting resource allocation and coordination to the LCLS project at the partner laboratories. Federal Project Director is invited to ILCC meetings. FAC meets semiannually and provides advice on the construction and technical capabilities of the LCLS. SAC meets semiannually and provides advice on the scientific program of the LCLS.

17 LCLS Project Coordination
ANL – LLNL Tech Add define scope of work, budgets and resources on an annual basis. Supports; IWOs, MPOs Project Office will prepare draft TA in July. Signature process to start 01Aug.

18 Summary We are ready for CD-2b
A revised cost and schedule estimate for the LCLS project based upon the recommendations of the Aug04 Lehman Committee has been developed. Base Cost increased to add PO staff and CF estimate from $213M to $236M Schedule softened and extended to provide greater schedule contingency. from 14% to 24% Base Cost contingency was increased. from 29.5% to 35.2% on remaining work Increased management staff. Dedicated procurement organization. CF Construction Management model is in focus. SOW in draft. No Scope Changes We are ready for CD-2b Areas to work on in next 6 months; With full FY05 funding, hire key personnel Prepare FY05 long-lead procurements (LLP’s). APP’s are ready for most LLP’s Continue to add management, procurement and construction staff. Construction start is March 2006!

19 Next Presentation

20 Response to Recommendations and Revised Baseline Details
A written response to the action items and recommendations has been prepared. See weblink

21 “Old” vs “New” Cost Estimate
Note work pushed out, softened schedule

22 “Old” vs “New” AT L2 (slightly revised estimate)
Main increase to TPC WBS 1.01 – Increase in project office staff and shifting of global controls activities. WBS 1.09 – Increase in CF construction management cost, tunneling cost and contingency. WBS 2.02 – Increase in management reserve, start-up funds, extension to mid 2009 and power costs.

23 Details of Revisions-1 Revisions to the LCLS Scope of Work
No Additions to the LCLS scope. Revisions to the TEC Added Chief Scientist in FY05 and beyond Added Construction ES&H Professional in FY05 and beyond Added Construction Consulting Support Added Construction Procurement Support in FY05 and beyond Added Construction Procurement Consulting Revised CM model such that CM acts as SLAC’s principal agent to initiate and manage general contractor and/or subcontractor procurements Added 2 Independent Cost Estimates (ICE) for Conventional Facilities construction costs Added $5.1M TEC funds to the Title I construction cost estimate upon recommendation from the A/E (Jacobs Engineering).

24 Details of Revisions-2 Revisions to the OPC Revisions to the Schedule
Added $600K in FY08 to address legacy issues in SLAC Linac Sectors 20-30 Added start-up teams of physicists and engineers + $5.3M additional start-up funds to address uncertainties in legacy issues and electric power costs. Increased Management Reserve from $500K to $5M Added Laser Group Leader in FY05 and beyond Added RF Gun Physicist in FY05 and beyond Revisions to the Schedule 60-day explicit float in Beneficial Occupancy dates Minimum critical path of ~214 working days of float wrt CD-4

25 Details of Revisions-3 Revisions to the Contingency
Increase contingency guidance in the Injector Drive Laser Increase contingency guidance in Conventional Facilities to address the uncertainties with the T1 cost estimate provided by the A/E and the recent independent (Wightman) cost estimate. Explicit schedule contingency of 60 days added to each Beneficial Occupancy (BO) milestone. Revisions to the Proposed Funding FY05 – No Changes FY06 – No Changes FY07 - From $106M (90M TEC, 16M OPC) to $121.5M (105.5M TEC, 16M OPC) FY08 - From $49M ($34M TEC, $15M OPC) to $66.0M ($50.5M TEC, 15.5M OPC) FY09 – From $0M to $31.5M ($10M TEC, 21.5M OPC)

26 “New” LCLS Organization
Increase senior level expertise Chief Scientist will oversee project physicists Construction Safety professional Dedicated procurement group The E-Beam systems and X-Ray systems Oversight staff will add a management layer between the system managers and the project office Laser Group Manager to provide expertise to the entire project

27 End of Presentation Backup Slides Follow

28 How do we keep control of the project?
What are we doing? Single source of cost/schedule baseline data: LCLS WBS (P3) Technical Specifications (GRD, PRDs, ESDs, ICDs, (see LCLS QIP) (Single Source) Signature authority on Procurements Regular Design Reviews (reduce risk) Plan the work … Work the plan … Need to change the plan? → BCR → work new plan How are we doing? Earned-Value Performance Management Monthly Status on % Complete Actual cost tracking versus budgets Cost / Schedule Variances (PARS) – Emphasize meeting schedules, costs track closely. L1, L2, L3 Milestone Reporting Monitor Critical Path and Float Contingency Usage / Risk Management Who is doing what? Communication & Coordination Weekly / Monthly LCLS Management and Physics Meetings Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly LCLS/DOE Meetings LCLS Monthly Report ANL-LLNL-SLAC MOU Inter-Laboratory Coordinating Council (ILCC) LCLS Website (for all official documentation) Need Help? $$ - Contingency solves alot, though not all problems ANL/LLNL/SLAC via the ILCC

29 LCLS BCR Thresholds

30 LCLS Technical Specifications
These define the technical baseline of the LCLS. Under configuration mgmt

31 Contingency Assessment
Contingency assessed on the base cost by Sys Mgrs/CAMs. Design Maturity Judgment Factor Risk-Based Contingency assessed at the lowest WBS. Contingency allocated and managed centrally from the LCLS Project Office. Follows PMP thresholds Track monthly allocation.

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