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Results of the ESS peer reviews

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1 Results of the ESS peer reviews

2 1. Methodological background (1)
Basis: European Statistics Code of Practice Scope 27 EU MS + 4 EFTA MS + Eurostat institutional environment and dissemination practices co-ordination role of NSI Objectives to boost quality, to enhance credibility of European statistics identification of ESS benchmarks and common difficulties sharing of ESS best practices and knowledge transfer

3 1. Methodological background (2)
Assessment common guidelines: fully met /largely met/ partly met /not met 2 peers from SPC list + Eurostat standardised information package 2 ½ days, various interlocutors Peer review report: assessment per indicator, improvement actions chapter on coordination role of the NSI within national system good practices

4 General NSI compliance level/principle

5 General NSI compliance level
Results based on 27 peer review reports Number of instances (indicator x country) Percentage Fully met 605 64 % Largely met 221 23,4 % Partly met 110 11,6% Not met 9 1%

6 Principle 1, Professional independence Compliance/indicator
Legislation to be supplemented in 9 NSIs to reinforce professional independence 4 NSIs to strengthen role and status of DG 9 NSIs to improve programming procedures

7 Principle 3, Adequacy of resources
Broadly satisfactory resources (compliance level: 72 %) Certain risks for meeting future demands due to: Human resources (high turnover, low salaries, high workload): 13 NSIs Financial resources: 4 NSIs IT system: 7 NSIs

8 Compliance level/country Principle 3, Adequacy of resources
No data Partially met Largely met Fully met only 6 NSIs are reported to have fully adequate resources

9 Principle 4, Quality commitment
Lowest level of compliance (68 %) compared to other principles Improvements needed on an ESS-wide scale: implementing quality frameworks (10 NSIs) systematic process monitoring (11 NSIs) product quality monitoring & reporting (13 NSIs) staff training in quality (6 NSIs)

10 Compliance level/country Principle 4, Quality commitment
at risk very high compliance levels

11 Eurostat peer review results compared to ESS average

12 Thank you for your attention!

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