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Y1.U7 Flash.

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1 Y1.U7 Flash

2 -Blank-

3 Why might a person from Massachusetts have trouble understanding a person from Wyoming??

4 Speaking different dialects

5 In Japan, engaging in eye contact is considered

6 rude and aggressive.

7 In which country is winking considered rude?

8 China

9 What term describes a variation of a language spoken by a particular group of people?

10 Dialect

11 “Outside the box” is an example of

12 jargon.

13 Smiling and yelling are examples of

14 gestures.

15 The ability of a person to be believed is

16 credibility.

17 The ability to focus closely on what another person is saying to summarize the true meaning of a message is

18 listening.

19 The type of communication that helps people understand how well they have done something and how to improve is called

20 feedback.

21 Making eye contact with the speaker is an example of effective

22 listening.

23 Words that are known and used only by a particular group of people are called

24 jargon.

25 When communicating verbally, tone is defined as

26 feelings displayed in the voice.

27 What is the purpose of the body of a written message?

28 Presents the content of the message

29 The purpose of a written message’s introduction is to

30 get the audience’s attention.

31 The purpose of a written message’s conclusion is to

32 identify the value of the message.

33 “Wassup” and “y’know” are examples of

34 slang.

35 Considering guidelines for writing effectively, identify the problem with the following sentence: {Line cooks shouldn’t drop the entrees until the expo clears the appetizers.}

36 Using slang or lingo

37 On what type of paper should professional handwritten notes be created when sending a professional handwritten note?

38 Ivory or white note cards

39 The numerous messages and information that convey operational procedures, policies, and announcements to a wide variety of audiences are called

40 organizational communications.

41 What type of communication describes the company’s purpose and key objectives to its team and owners?

42 Mission statement

43 Any two-way communication that has immediate feedback is considered

44 interpersonal communication.

45 A(n) ____________ statement defines the company’s purpose and values to employees and customers.

46 vision

47 The act of identifying with the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another person is

48 empathy.

49 “When you’re ready to order, just holler” is an example of

50 slang.

51 If a caller has been on hold longer than __________ seconds, offer to take a message again.

52 60

53 People spend about what percentage of each day communicating with one another?

54 75

55 Which part of communication involves conveying information to another person?

56 Message

57 The most important characteristic of a message is its

58 clarity.

59 To empathize with a customer means to

60 see the situation from the customer’s point of view.

61 Nodding in agreement is an example of

62 a gesture.

63 What does it mean when the receiver makes eye contact with the sender during communication?

64 The receiver is paying attention.

65 Why is it important to smile when talking on the phone with customers?

66 Smiling makes the voice sound more pleasant.

67 Which of the following defines the company’s purpose and values to employees and customers?

68 Vision statement

69 Which of the following actions is an effective way to handle a caller who has to be placed on hold?

70 The host or hostess can ask the caller if he or she can take a message.

71 During a speech, tone is defined as

72 feeling displayed in the voice.

73 Which document is an example of an organizational communication?

74 Mission statement

75 Interpersonal communication is

76 any two-way communication that has immediate feedback.

77 “We are committed to using the finest ingredients in our recipes
“We are committed to using the finest ingredients in our recipes. No food leaves our kitchen that we ourselves would not eat” is an example of a

78 mission statement.

79 “C u tmro” is an example of

80 text-ese.

81 A Web site that contains an online personal journal is called a(n)

82 blog.

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