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Coastal and transitonal waters in the Scheldt River Basin

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal and transitonal waters in the Scheldt River Basin"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal and transitonal waters in the Scheldt River Basin
Pilot project: SCHELDT / SCALDIT Bart Kornman, september 2003

2 Netherlands North Sea Atl. Oceaan Belgium France

3 Presentation Working process Results Concluding remarks

4 How did we proceed? Common understanding First step
Exchange national approaches or results Compare with guidance Technical meetings First step Typology and water bodies

5 Typology All countries use system B
Mandatory + all optional factors (§ 3.5) Discuss and identify (common) types

6 Type factors Salinity (m) Tidal range (m) Wave exposure (o)
Substratum (o) Current velocity (o)

7 Results 8 coastal water body types
3 to 5 transitional water body types

8 Boundaries Coast - transitional Transitional – river
Physiographic feature, salinity gradient Transitional – river Sluices, tidal limits, locks Transitional – land Dykes Coast – coast Typology, barrier


10 Concluding remarks Common understanding and SCALDIT
Testing: type factors need presicion Water bodies: subdivision

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