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Mukurtu CMS: Creating a Digital Heritage Item

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1 Mukurtu CMS: Creating a Digital Heritage Item
Digital Stewardship Curriculum

2 Mukurtu CMS so far Communities: ‘Who’ Cultural Protocols: ‘How’
Categories: ‘What’ Media So far we have covered a lot of information! We’ve talked about basic site setup, which included creating Communities, Cultural Protocols, and Categories. We’ve also looked at adding media to your Mukurtu site. Now, we’re going to bring it all together, and create a Digital heritage item

3 Digital Heritage Item The content of a Mukurtu site
All Digital Heritage (DH) Items belong to: Communities Cultural Protocols Categories A Digital Heritage item is kind of like a story that provides context and information about your cultural materials. They allow you to identify one or more media assets (or even no media), and provide information about who, what, when, where, why - all the classic questions. Because we are always always talking about metadata, that is basically the core of creating a Digital heritage item - adding relevant metadata.

4 Digital Heritage Items are kind of like stories that provide context for your materials.
From anywhere on your site, click ‘+Digital Heritage’ in the navigation menu. Of course, you can find a link in your Dashboard as well.

5 You will be directed to the ‘Create Digital Heritage’ page.
Some fields are starred - these are required to create a “minimally viable” Digital Heritage Item. Required fields are Title, Community, Cultural Protocol, and Category, and they are all on this main Mukurtu Essentials tab. The other tabs, Mukurtu Core, Rights and Permissions, Additional Metadata, and Relations. Like the rest of the site, the more information you can provide about an item the better. You have a handout in your binder that gives a brief description of each of these fields! Open the media tray on the right side of the screen by clicking the list icon.

6 While not required, many DH items will have a Media Asset
While not required, many DH items will have a Media Asset. Drag and drop from the SCALD tray on the right. Also enter a title. Please be more creative than I was when I made this slide.

7 While not required, many DH items will have a Media Asset
While not required, many DH items will have a Media Asset. Drag and drop from the SCALD tray on the right. Also enter a title. Please be more creative than I was when I made this slide.

8 Click the ‘Select a community’ drop-down menu.
You will only be shown communities in which you have permission to create DH items - choose one. You can add an item to multiple communities. Next, click on the ‘Protocol’ box. You will be shown protocols that are part of the community you selected before. Choose a protocol. You can add an item to multiple protocols within a community.

9 Select one of the two ‘Item Sharing Settings’.
If the item has more than one protocol this allows you to identify who can view the item. If you select ANY, a member of any assigned protocol can view the item. If you select ALL, users must be a member of each of the assigned protocols to view the item

10 Select at least one ‘Category’. You can select more.
Identify the Creator, Contributor(s), and date

11 If you are really not adding more metadata, click ‘Save’
This is the bare minimum for an acceptable digital heritage item.

12 It looks something like this.
Not very exciting or informative.


14 Thankfully, You can add a lot more information, like Cultural Narratives, Traditional Knowledge, Descriptions, Keywords...


16 Publishing, Rights, TK Labels, Creative Commons Licenses

17 All sorts of other descriptive metadata, like language, location, format and subject information


19 And finally you can include relations to other Digital Heritage in your Mukurtu site!
That’s the very basics! Any questions?

20 Your turn! Using the Media Assets you uploaded earlier, create a Digital Heritage Item Complete as many metadata fields as possible!

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