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Essexville-Hampton Public Schools Budget Hearing

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Presentation on theme: "Essexville-Hampton Public Schools Budget Hearing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essexville-Hampton Public Schools 2017-18 Budget Hearing
Board of Education June 26, 2017

2 Budget Hearing Review Current Legislation Enrollment Data
Investments in Programs Staffing Budget Data

3 Review Current Legislation
Foundation Grant Increase - $115 2X Formula $60/$120 - $7,726 At-Risk Increase $100,000 Funding for Elementary Science Coach Additional $25 per HS Student Early Literacy and Computer Testing Federal Funds Decreased

4 Enrollment Data Estimated Fall 2017 Count 1,670
30 student decrease from Use 90% of this count February 2017 Count Estimated 1,690 Final Audited Count 1,698.54 Use 10% of this count

5 Investment in Programs
Using funds from loans paid off $102,000 Textbooks and Computers Created Annual Computer-Chromebook Purchase - Technology Created Annual Furniture Updates Additional Funding for Curriculum – Testing and Professional Development

6 Staffing Replacing Cramer Math Teacher from Retirement
Includes new 1st Grade Teacher Adds Math Teacher at Garber

7 General Fund Revenue Expense One Time FY17 Adjustments
Garber Room – BAISD Expense Reduced Maintenance - Controls Adjusting for No Loan Payments Retirement Rate Increase of 0.62% Health Insurance-State Hard Cap 3.30%

8 General Fund Revenues

9 General Fund Expenses

10 Fund Balance - June 30, 2018

11 General Fund Expenses by Object

12 Other Funds Debt Retirement Food Service and Community Ed
Reduced Tax Rate – 2015 Only Food Service and Community Ed Carryover Budgets Will Review after Audit

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