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Organization of Congress

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1 Organization of Congress

2 Committee Structure: Types of Committees
Standing Committees Select Committees House Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina Joint Committees Conference Committees

3 Committee Structure: Committee Assignments
Decided by House/Senate leadership of each party Chairmanship usually based on committee seniority Legislators seek key assignments Of interest to their district Prestige House – Ways and Means, Appropriations, Energy and Commerc Senate – Finance, Judiciary

4 Committee Structure Energy and Commerce Committee 31 Democrats
26 Republicans

5 How a Bill Becomes a Law

6 Step 1: Introduction Someone has to write the proposed legislation
Legislator / legislators / staffs Administrative agencies White House Interest groups Sponsorship

7 Step 1: Introduction Introduction
House / Senate / both Given a number Government Printing Office Referred to one or more committees by presiding officer of House or Senate (or both) Whole bill may go to multiple committees Or may be broken up into parts

8 Step 2: Committee Action
Committee requests comment from relevant government agencies, and interest groups often also provide comment May be referred to a subcommittee by committee chairman Subcommittee holds hearings Prepares report for full committee

9 Step 2: Committee Action
Full committee More hearings “Mark-up” / Amendments Bill “reported” out of the House or Senate Along with a report explaining vote and amendments What if the committee does nothing? Generally, means bill dies

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