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Powers of Ten --Air What is in Air???.

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Presentation on theme: "Powers of Ten --Air What is in Air???."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powers of Ten --Air What is in Air???

2 What is in this bottle? Is it empty? (nothing in the bottle?) OR
Is it full? (full of air?)

3 Zoom into a Cloud Large Scale

4 From large to macro telescope 103m eyes

5 Inside macroscopic eyes 100m optical magnifier

6 water (rain) droplets 5mm Macro Scale

7 cloud droplets Macro Scale

8 From macro to micro optical magnifier optical microscope

9 Single cloud droplet Micro Scale

10 From micro to atomic optical microscope Atomic force microscope

11 molecules 20nm

12 Molecules: Bonded Atoms
Oxygen O2 Water H2O Need to change molecular illustrations to standard format Carbon dioxide CO2 Nitrogen N2

13 Why are atoms so important?

14 Three Facts about Atoms
Atoms last forever (except in nuclear changes). Atoms make up the mass of all materials. Atoms are bonded to other atoms in molecules.

15 Atoms and Molecules in Air
Oxygen molecules (O2) are made of 2 oxygen atoms Nitrogen molecules (N2) are made of 2 nitrogen atoms Water molecules (H2O) are made of 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom Carbon dioxide molecules (CO2) are made of 1 carbon and 2 oxygen atoms

16 How do the three facts about atoms apply to air?
Atoms last forever (except in nuclear changes). Will the carbon atoms in CO2 still be carbon atoms in a million years? Will the CO2 molecules still be CO2 molecules in a million years? Atoms make up the mass of all materials. Does air have mass? Atoms are bonded to other atoms in molecules. What are some important atoms in air? What are some important molecules in air?

17 Movement of Air Molecules

18 What is in our atmosphere’s air?
Lavoisier,Antoine-Laurent (1743~1794)

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