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Higher order questions

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1 Higher order questions
Lesson Topic(s): Composing and Decomposing Numbers to 10 Week of: 11/26-11/30 Objectives: Students will learn how to take a whole and break it into 2 parts. TEKS: 2 (I) compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures Essential Question(s): How can I decompose a number to make it easier to work with? Is there a patters for ways to make 10? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Students will complete number bonds. They will decompose a given whole into parts and create their own number bond in their journals and complete an I can statement, Students will complete number bonds where they have to generate their won whole number and then decompose it into two parts. Students will create number bonds using goldfish. Record a number bond in their journals. Students will play monster number bond game and complete the number bond recording sheet using the skills they practiced all week. Assess students while the rest are engaged in math stations. Vocabulary Compose Decompose Plus Equals Addends sum Higher order questions What do you remember about making a number bond? How would you demonstrate a way to complete a number bond? How is similar to What is the problem with this number bong? 4 What is you favorite number bond activity? Why? Assessment Strategy Students will complete number bond activity with partner. Students will work in partners using strategies to complete number bongs. Students will create number bonds using goldfish and complete a number sentence. Students will work in partners to play number bond game. Students will complete composing and decomposing number assessment sheet.

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