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Prosiect Comenius Comenius Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Prosiect Comenius Comenius Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prosiect Comenius Comenius Project

2 Ymweliad i'r Ffindir Tachwedd 2009 Trip to Finland November 2009

3 Ysgol Blaenau, Sir Gaerfyrddin Blaenau School, Carmarthenshire
Partneriaid Comenius Ysgol Gymunedol Cae’r Felin Cae’r Felin Community School Comenius Partners Ysgol Blaenau, Sir Gaerfyrddin Blaenau School, Carmarthenshire Ysgol Oulujoki, Ffindir Oulujoki School, Finland Ysgol Scoil An Cheathrair Alain, Iwerddon Scoil An Cheathrair Alain School, Ireland

4 Comenius has two main objectives:
i ddatblygu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth ymysg pobl ifanc ac athrawon o’r amrywiol ddiwylliannau a ieithoedd Ewropeaidd, ac i werthfawrogi’r amrywiaethau. i helpu pobl ifanc i feithrin sgiliau sylfaenol a fydd yn eu paratoi ar gyfer datblygiad personol, swyddi a dinasyddiaeth Ewropeaidd fyw. to develop knowledge and understanding among young people and education staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages, and the value of this diversity. to help young people to acquire basic life skills and competences for their personal development, for future employment and for active European citizenship.

5 Partneriaid /Partners
Mathew a Nerys Blaenau, Cymru Ezarah a Niamh Iwerddon

6 Ahti a Maria Liisa Ffindir

7 Oulu



10 “Magic Lamp” – Cwrs creu lluniau sinema Method to make movies course

11 Ysgol Oulujoki

12 Cyflwyno Anrhegion/Presenting Gifts


14 Dosbarthiadau/Classes

15 Pleserau o’r Ffindir yn nhŷ Marie Liisa
Pleserau o’r Ffindir yn nhŷ Marie Liisa! Finish Delights in Marie Liisa’s home!

16 Ffarwel i’r Ffindir Farewell to Finland
ond edrych ymlaen i Iwerddon yn Mawrth 2010! but looking forward to Ireland in March 2010!

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