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2 Course Name & Number Here
Instructor Name Here Pearson Rep Name Required Text/foodsafetyprep Package ISBN: XXXXXX-X To register for foodsafetyprep, you will need: Valid address foodsafetyprep Access Code Course ID (From your instructor) Your school name, school city, and school zip code

3 The first online learning tool for the Food Safety and Sanitation course
Features… Study Plan: Chapter Pre-Tests with Personalized Study Plans Multimedia Assets: Video Clips, Electronic Textbook, Audio Glossary, Flashcards, PowerPoint Presentations, and more!

4 Registration Go to
Click “Register or Buy Access, Students” Click on one: “I already have an access code”  (if you purchased w/text) “I need to buy access” (if you did not purchase w/text) Scroll to the bottom and click “I Accept”

5 Registration 5. Select “No”
6. Use your address to create a “Login Name” and then create and enter a “Password” of your choice. 7. Write down your “Login Name” and “Password” Click “NEXT”

6 Registration 8. Enter your “Access Code”
(Should look something like this) 9. Click “Next”

7 Registration 10. Enter your NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS
11. Select your COUNTRY, enter your school ZIP CODE and select your SCHOOL from the drop down menu. Note: If your school is not found in the drop down menu then select “Other” and add your “School Name”, “School City, and “School State”. 12. Click “NEXT”

8 CONGRATULATIONS! You are now registered.
Registration CONGRATULATIONS! You are now registered. Click on “PRINT THIS PAGE” so you will have a permanent record of your registration. Click “LOGIN NOW” to enroll in your instructors course right away – or log out. Note: you can access a “Video Tutorial” for additional registration help at under the “Support”/”Student Support” tab. Note: When you return to in the future you will log in as an “RETURNING USER”

9 Registration Video tutorial available
Problems registering for ? Watch the video tutorial on the homepage

10 Enrollment If you are not already logged in, use your Login Name and Password to do so. Click on “ENROLL IN A COURSE” Enter your Course ID - get this from your instructor Example: CRSWEF Click “SUBMIT” CONGRATULATIONS! You are now enrolled in your instructors course.

11 Your MyCourses Page After you enroll in a course, click on the name or “open” from drop-down menu

12 foodsafetyprep Navigation
Today’s View, Course Content, Grades, Communicate The main navigation tabs can be found in this grey bar across the top of the screen Today’s View Announcements, assignments due Course Content Good stuff is here – we will come back! Grades Check your grades as you work Communicate May not need this if school uses other

13 Select the chapter you wish to access learning materials from
Course Content Screen Select the chapter you wish to access learning materials from We’ll now go into the Study Plans where you will spend most of your time

14 Study Plan Take a pre-test to determine strengths and weaknesses, work through the custom study material, then take the post test. When you open a study plan for the first time, the screen will be mostly blank. This screen shows what a Study Plan will look like after you take the PreTest – because now you have customized study material related to the questions you missed on the PreTest Let’s look at the different sections of the Study Plan.

15 Study Plan foodsafetyprep tracks time on task and grades student work automatically

16 Chapters Resources Each chapter has additional study tools
such as flashcards, videos, and more! When you open a study plan for the first time, the screen will be mostly blank. This screen shows what a Study Plan will look like after you take the PreTest – because now you have customized study material related to the questions you missed on the PreTest Let’s look at the different sections of the Study Plan.

17 Thank you!

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