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The simplest thin jet model for grb and sgr

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1 The simplest thin jet model for grb and sgr
Hard and Long life GRB130427A by a thin persistent precession blazing gamma jet The simplest thin jet model for grb and sgr Explains a wide spread of GRB power, signatures and their apparent evolution. Jet as thin as micro-nano sr offer the geometry variability and the GRB spread-apparent evolution-Long Life- Repeaters-SN-GRBs and late SGRs connections…and TeV precursor neutrino too….GRB130427A just in axis one Fargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 1

2 Last huge GRB 130427A: really new?
GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

3 As bright and as caotic as usual with al optical precursor
GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

4 Very long live and stilla active
GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

5 Long life evolution and rebrightening-30000 second scale
GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

6 GRB130427A-22-5-2013-RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27
Very hard spectra..94 GeV GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

7 GRB130427A-22-5-2013-RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27
Very long life : few also now GRB130427A it is neutrino..yet nor before GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

8 A correlated apparent Luminosity power versus distance GRB130427A
A correlated apparent Luminosity power versus distance GRB130427A..not unexpected 130427A 090423 030329 061201 031203 060614 060505 110328 060218 051109B 980425 080109A GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 Fargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 8

9 Simplest view Fargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27
GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 9

10 Earliest signature of SS433 or most recent evidence of TeV-GeV Microquasars precessing Jets : LSI Fargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 10

11 Precessing Jet angular and Intensity time evolution
Fargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 11

12 TeV neutrino precursors
GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

13 Thank You…for the beamed attention
Fargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 13

14 GRB130427A-22-5-2013-RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

15 GRB130427A-22-5-2013-RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

16 GRB130427A-22-5-2013-RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

17 GRB130427A-22-5-2013-RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

18 Jet by Inverse Compton Scattering (GeVs electron pairs over I. R
Jet by Inverse Compton Scattering (GeVs electron pairs over I.R.) or better by UHE Synchrotron Radiation Micro-nano sr solid angle Our jet beam was and remains as large as 0.05 degreee or a part over 100 million sr 30 Micro sr solid angle GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 Fargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27 18

19 GRB130427A-22-5-2013-RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

20 GRB130427A-22-5-2013-RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27
Inner GRB130427A RICAP-DFFargion-GRBs-Vulcano May 27

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