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4 Person Challenge: 6 Block.

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1 4 Person Challenge: 6 Block

2 EXPOSITION is the background information about the characters, setting, and situation. This is usually given in the beginning of the story. CONFLICT is the main struggle for the protagonist. It can be a struggle against another person, a group, nature, or himself/herself. RISING ACTION makes up the majority of the story. Once the conflict is established, it includes all the events leading up to the climax. CLIMAX is found at the end of the story. It’s the exciting or emotional scene where the conflict is going to be solved on way or another. RESOLUTION is the solution to the conflict. It’s the answer the conflict. Who wins the conflict? What happened?

3 Define the term conflict. Show the conflict from the story.
3 Skeleton Key Define the term exposition, and provide elements of the exposition from the story. Define the term conflict. Show the conflict from the story. 3 Skeleton Key Define the term rising action, and provide elements of the rising action from the story. Define the term climax. Show the climax from the story. 3 Skeleton Key Define the term resolution, and provide the resolution from the story. Show a connection between the conflict and the resolution in your work. Pronouns Define the term pronoun. Copy 5 sentences from the book that include different pronouns. Show each pronoun and its antecedent, and identify what type of pronoun it is. Genre Define the terms fiction and nonfiction. Show the titles of all our readings from this year and identify their genre. Choice Card As a group, determine what you can represent in this space. Your information must be related to our work in class, and must reflect your learning in some way.

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