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SUBSTITUTION 7th Grade/ Unit 2

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1 SUBSTITUTION 7th Grade/ Unit 2
Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION Topic Question: What is the process to Amend the Constitution? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will be reviewing Quizlet Flashcards to test your knowledge of the Amendment Process Steps You will take turns using one of the classroom computers or I Pads. When it is your turn log in to: 2. Go through the set of flash cards to review your knowledge of the Amendment Process. 3. If you do not do well, please review the document at the address below to review this topic and try again. Featured Source: Scope and Sequence Unit 2 Featured Tech Tools: Quizlet Teacher Name: Stacie Tharp School: Dequincy Middle School Address: Special Considerations: This is a review activity to be done after initial teaching on subject Assessment: no assessment- review for students

2 AUGMENTATION 7th Grade/Unit 2 Formative Performance Task 2
Topic: What is the process to amend the Constitution? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will.. Test your knowledge on the Amendment Process using Kahoot Steps: Log on to a computer or I pad Go to : Enter the Game Pin I will Provide you When the kahoot begins answer the questions as quickly as you can to increase your points. You will see if you answered correctly Scope and Sequence Unit 2 Featured Tech Tools: Kahoot Featured Source: Teacher Name: Stacie Tharp School: Dequincy Middle School Address: Special Considerations: Kahoot Quiz: Assessment: formative assessment on student knowledge of topic

3 MODIFICATION 7th Grade Unit 2
Summative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION Topic: What is the process to amend the Constitution? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will… Create a Power Point Slide to present information on the Amendment Process Steps: You will be placed in groups of 3-4. Using PowerPoint – Create a presentation giving information on the Amendment Process. Your presentation should include: Title Introduction Where is this information found in the Constitution? Who is Involved in the Process? Steps/Process for amendments to be introduced and ratified 4. Your Presentation should be neat, organized, informational, and include pictures Save your presentation to the H-drive folder for your class. 6. You will be graded on this presentation, grade will reflect how well you followed the given directions on this card. Students in another class will be viewing and critiquing your presentations. Featured Source: Scope and Sequence Unit 2 Featured Tech Tools: School H Drive Teacher Name: Stacie Tharp School: Dequincy Middle School Address: Special Considerations: Assessment: Students will be graded on presentations.

4 REDEFINITION 7th Grade Unit 2
Summative Performance Task 2 REDEFINITION Topic: What is the process to amend the Constitution? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will view the Power Point on the Amendment Process prepared by group from another class, and then record a video review and critique of that Power Point. Steps Go to the H Drive and find the folder for the class/group that I instruct you to find. With your group, view the Power Point. Make notes/comments to use in your video: Did they follow directions and include correct items/content? Was the Presentation creative organized? Do you feel well informed on the subject after viewing? 4. Using an I-pad video function, record a video response using the notes you have made. Save the video on the IPad for the other group to use when they come to class. Featured Source: Scope and Sequence Unit 2 Featured Tech Tools: I-pad H drive Teacher Name: Stacie Tharp School: Dequincy Middle School Address: Special Considerations: This task is a follow up task to the Summative Performance Task 1 Assessment: Students will receive feedback on their work from their peers

5 IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet
Teacher : Stacie Tharp Louisiana Social Studies Standard (include description What is the Process to Amend the Constitution? Question from “Content and Claims” Here : Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will view the Power Point on the Amendment Process prepared by group from another class, and then record a video review and critique of that Power Point. Scope and Sequence Unit 2 task card here. IPad/H Drive You will… Create a PowerPoint Slide to present information on the Amendment Process PowerPoint H Drive You will.. Test your knowledge on the Amendment Process using Kahoot Kahoot You will be reviewing Quizlet Flashcards to test your knowledge of the Amendment Process Quizlet National Archives REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.

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