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Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Abhiyan- “PM AASHA”

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1 Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Abhiyan- “PM AASHA” 24.01.2019
Zaid / Summer National Conference Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Abhiyan- “PM AASHA” Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare New Delhi

2 Umbrella Scheme of PM AASHA
Remunerative Prices for MSP Notified Crops DAC&FW implements Price Support Scheme (PSS)- Pulses, Oil Seeds & Copra Price Deficiency Payment System (PDPS)- Oil Seed States/UT may choose either PDPS or PSS for a particular oilseed for entire state for the Season Pilot of Private Procurement and Stockiest Scheme (PPSS)- in Selected District/ APMC - Oil Seeds.. DFPD implements MSP OPERATION - Wheat, Paddy and Coarse Grains Ministry of Textile implements MSP OPERATION - Cotton and Jute

3 Common Conditions PSS/PDPS/PPSS
Farmers to be registered online on a portal within a stipulated time period by the State /UT Government State/UTs to adopt the Model “Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2017” (APLM Act) or commit to do so within specified time frame Maximum of 25% of production of a particular commodity in the State/UTs to be procured/ supported by GOI under the scheme.

4 PM-AASHA Schemes For PSS Procurement : Proposal from State Govts.
Procurement of FAQ sanctioned quantity directly from farmers Proposed date of commencement of procurement Copy of Notification - sowing and harvesting period of crop and Undertaking Exemption from State duties /taxes inducing Mandi tax Creation of revolving fund/ working capital for at least 15% of procurement cost Logistic arrangements like gunny bags, booking of CWC/SWC godowns, identification of procurement centres, transport facility from procurement centres to godowns etc. Monitoring Mechanism at State level / District Level Steps for utilisation of procured stock in various welfare scheme, procured stock will be provided to states at “issue price”

5 PM AASHA - PSS Procurement
Estimated production of the State for the particular crops as per latest notified Advance Estimates by Directorate of Economic and Statistic – For Summer/Zaid crops no separate estimated production hence, Rabi production is considered Procurement by Central Nodal Agency (CNA) through State level agency will normally be 25% of the actual production and beyond 25% to 40%, the procurement will be done by the CNA with the state Govt. bearing the expenditure and under taking to use the same for PDS /Welfare Schemes. Govt. Guarantee provided to Lender Banks to extend cash credit limit to CAN and on hypothecation of procures stock with lender Banks (WHR) funds withdrawn for payment to State Level Agencies Disposal of procured stocks by CNA should be done preferably within 9 months. The losses incurred in such operations are reimbursement by GoI after vetting of audited claims by O/o CAC, DoE

6 PM AASHA - PSS Procurement
Operational Update Pulses :- States to can continue registration under PSS beyond 25% State Govt. can procure beyond 25% and upto 40 % of production on their account GoI agencies may continue to buy on state account beyond 25% production limit subject to undertaking the states Financial accounting for procurement beyond 25% production on comprehensive analysis of states financial position on final completion of procurement.

7 PM AASHA - PSS Procurement
For WHR to be received against procured stocks within 30 days from the last date of procurement, however state can extend it till another 30 days by a committee chaired by the concerned states’ Principal Secretary/ Add. Chief Secretary Agriculture In case the state govt. has proposed the start date of procurement period, the PSS sanction may be allowed for procurement period within 90 days from such date. If the State has not proposed the start date ,the procurement period of 90 days allowed as “ 15 days from the date of sanction order or first date of purchase whichever is earlier”. Concerned state may indicate the start of the procurement within this permitted 15 days period based on which necessary orders pertaining to start of date may be issued.

8 PM-AASHA Schemes PDPS: Deficiency Payment
No physical procurement by Govt agency- Price Difference Payment Quality check of the commodity to ensure commodity sold conforms to FAQ Losses/payment upto 25% of MSP value (including administrative Expenses of 2%) will be reimbursed by GoI Coverage beyond 25% of production and losses beyond 25% of MSP value will be responsibility of state government. The calculation of modal whole sale price for the specified oilseeds crops as per the formula prescribed in the issued guidelines should be done on monthly basis. The payments to be made in the portal registered farmer’s bank account

9 PM-AASHA Schemes PPSS Procurement
States will have option to roll out PPSS for oilseeds on pilot basis in selected pilot district/APMC of district. The proposal from the states should be taken up on “First Come First Serve” basis. The private procurement agencies shall be empanelled by the state/UTs governments through a transparent and open tendering process. The maximum eligible service charges shall be 15% of the MSP notified for the year and for the crop-commodity under consideration Selected agency shall procure the allocated oilseeds (maximum of 25% of production in that district) at its notified MSP and bear all cost of procurement, handling, storage and disposal. No disposal of procured quantity during procurement period of that commodity in the state.

10 PM AASHA: Status of Kharif & Rabi 2018-19
For Kharif Marketing Season : Sanctioned orders under PSS issued for procurement of LMT having MSP Value of Rs. 17,779 Cr for pulses and oil seeds. Procurement in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Maharashtra, Utter Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana and Gujarat ( Odisha yet to commence procurement ) Procurement done upto , LMT of Rs MSP value 7,666 Cr Based on the proposal of Madhya Pradesh under PDPS for Soyabean sanction accorded for LMT under PDPS. For Rabi marketing Season Sanctioned orders issued for procurement of 75,325 MT having MSP Value of Rs Cr for pulses in Tamilnadu. States are requested to send proposals for implementation of PSS / PDPS / PPSS for pulses & oilseeds produced in their state during Zaid Season.

11 Distribution of Pulses to States/UTs with Central Subsidy
Policy Guidelines : One time measure for 12 months, effective 1st supply or complete disposal of lakh MT of Pulses, whichever earlier. Central Subsidy of Rs. 15/- per Kg. to States/UTs for utilization of pulses under various welfare schemes e.g. MDM,PDS, ICDP etc. The Government of India holding Chana, Masoor, Arhar, Urad and Moong, in whole form, confirming to FAQ norms at the time of procurements. States/UT to send monthly/quarterly/ Annual indent in the prescribed format as per Scheme Guideline and appoint State Implementing Agency (SIA) NAFED the Central Nodal Agency (CNA) to calculate the “Issue Price” based on AGMARK net portal data, ensure smooth implementation of the scheme and concurrently arrange open market disposal at best prevailing market rates. Indenting State/UT to inspect the allocated Pulses – Deposit advance amount with CNA and makes arrangement for lifting of paid stock with the prescribed period for onward processing for utilization in Welfare Schemes

12 Distribution of Pulses to States/UTs with Central Subsidy
The Monthly sourcing state “Issue Price” calculated based on the Wt. Avg Dynamic Reserve Price or Wt. Avg wholesale modal price in the regulated Mandi near to the Warehouse which ever is more. Empowered Committee (EC) to release pulses generally on FIFO basis at “Issue Price” minus the Central Subsidy of Rs. 15 per kg on “First Come-First Serve”. For overall national saving and operational efficiency, the following also to be kept in view by EC: Long distance transportation Ensure ease of lifting Consider Regional Preferences, if any Geographical contiguity.

13 Distribution of Pulses to States/UTs with Central Subsidy
Pulses has been allocated to 10 States viz. Maharashtra , Tamil Nadu, Tripura , Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka , Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat , Kerala , Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and one Union Territory Daman Allocation upto the month of October to January done for the indenting States/UT Out of the total paid + allocated stock 5.03 LMT of raw pulses , total advance payment of Rs Cr has been paid Total Lifting done is 73, MT as on State are requested to Ensure speedy lifting of allocated stock Forward indent in the prescribed format for allocation of pulses to DAC &FW

14 Coordination with State Governments /UTs
Nodal Officers appointed by the Ministry for effective coordination. Regular Video Conference with state Govt./ UTs is being organized. Day to day monitoring of implementation through a committee headed by Chief Secretary and District Level Committee headed by District Magistrate in the State. Thank You

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