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“Another Foolish Man of the Bible!”

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1 “Another Foolish Man of the Bible!”
Proverbs 15:20; 31:10-31

2 They say that man is mighty He governs land and sea He wields a mighty scepter O’er lesser powers that be; But a mightier power And stronger man, From his throne has hurled. For the hand that rocks the cradle, Is the hand that rules the world. William Ross Wallace

3 Ezekiel 16:44 “Behold, everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb concerning you, saying, ‘Like mother like daughter.’”

4 I pitty the foolish man who despises his mother!
This morning, we want to honor our mothers by considering “Another Foolish Man of the Bible!”

5 to see why a man is a fool who despises his mother
Purpose: to see why a man is a fool who despises his mother

6 “No man is poor who has a Godly mother.”

7 I Because She Does Her Husband Good (v 12)
A. Her Conduct Brings Trust B. Takes Pain and Pleasure in Her Work C. She Adds to His Reputation

8 II Because She Cares for Her Family (v 27)
A. She Rises Early B. She is Like a Ship C. She Buys and Plants

9 III Because She Cares for Herself (v 22)

10 How often is a mother (housewife) pictured in curlers, watching t. v
How often is a mother (housewife) pictured in curlers, watching t.v. and eating bon bons?

11 III Because She Cares for Herself (v 22)
A. She Doesn’t Neglect Herself B. She Sets High Standards

12 Particularly for daughters, they learn what being a Godly mother entails and that accepting this role is the most womanly thing to do…

13 IV Because She Fears God
A. Her Motivation is Properly Placed B. Her Beauty is Evident in This Fear

14 1 Peter 3:3-4 “Your adornment must not be merely external – braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” (NASB)

15 Summary and Conclusion:
Is it ever dangerous to be too close to your mother? Some say when this relationship goes too far it becomes a “mother complex” or in short, the son becomes a “mama’s boy.” Like to end with a few examples of what is meant…

16 James was a “mama’s boy”…
Ted was a “mama’s boy”… Bill was a “mama’s boy”… Woody was a “mama’s boy”… David was a “mama’s boy”… All of these were mama’s boys. In time of crisis, they always had mother come to mind…

17 James A. Garfield William H. Taft Theodore Roosevelt Dwight Eisenhower Woodrow Wilson

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