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The Gospel Is For All Matthew 9:9-13. The Gospel Is For All Matthew 9:9-13.

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2 The Gospel Is For All Matthew 9:9-13

3 Nicodemus The woman A Jew A Samaritan A man A woman
A ruler of the Jews An adulteress Educated Uneducated High class Low estate Wealthy Poor Acknowledged Jesus Had no clue who as a teacher He was

4 Nicodemus was told not to marvel at what Jesus said (3:7)
But he did (3:9) The woman at the well marveled that Jesus spoke to her at all (4:9) Even His disciples marveled (4:27)

5 Important Points Two extremely different individuals…
…yet there was one Lord They heard what was of benefit to both… …and this principle is true for everyone They were not told to repent and be baptized as others would be told later… …since the commission of Jesus was future There were told enough to cause belief in Jesus… …which was identical to all other cases

6 What were they told they needed?
Nicodemus was told he needed to be born again (3:7) The woman was told she needed the living water (4:10) What they were told was to produce faith in Jesus Nicodemus by implication (19:39) The woman by declaration (4:29) There is an expectation for us to believe in Jesus as well

7 The Gospel Is For All Matthew 28:19 - - "all nations"
Mark 16: "all the world" Luke 24: "among all nations" Acts 17: "all men everywhere" Galatians 3: "all are one in Christ Jesus" Colossians 3: "Christ is all, and in all"


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