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Context of PHE in Europe

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1 Context of PHE in Europe
Experiences from LITHUANIA Marius Ablačinskas, advisor (VET) to the minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania Dr. Vaidotas Viliūnas, Director of Marijampole College

2 Context: numbers (Lithuania)

3 Context: numbers (Lithuania)

4 Context: numbers (Lithuania)

5 Context: numbers (Lithuania)

6 Context: numbers (Lithuania)

7 Intro – PHE in LITHUANIA
PHE it is still the “field of the battle” between Universities and VET: Majority of Universities are trying to understate PHE’s and it’s role; Financing of PHE’s is several times lesser then Universities; Requirements for recruitment of students - min entering grade for PHE is 2,0, for Universities 3,6. Min number of applicants for opening the programme are the same for PHE and for Universities, requirements for research indicators are increasing without any financing for that purpose. PHE’s provides professional bachelor (6th level of EQF) programmes (3-4 y) for students after Maturity or Maturity with VET. Universities provides study programmes of 6th, 7th and 8th level of EQF. Universities usually required so called equalizing courses for PHE graduates to be enrolled to Master courses. Situation is changing because of competition for master students among Universities.

State (12) and private (10) Colleges are representing the PHE sector in Lithuania. Directors (Rectors) Conference of Lithuanian Colleges (DCLC) is the collective body to meet, discuss, formulate policy and consult with Government and Parliament as a sector. However the authority an political influence of DCLC compare to the Rectors Conference of Lithuanian Universities is much lower.

9 Main Challenges to PHE The main challenges which are preventing further strengthening and expansion of PHE in Lithuania are the following: Integration of the policies of Higher Education and Regional Development towards sustainability; Facilitation of PHE’s development for the needs of Regional Specialization; State incentives for skill shortages, particularly in the regions; Incentives and/or tax reductions for Student placements and HR re-qualification for companies and public sector; Optimization of National PHE network.

10 Main Policy Priorities for PHE
The main overarching policy priorites for the next 3 years are: Clarify the missions and requirements for Universities and PHE in the State Education Policy; Intorduce and adapt 5th EQF programmes; Define and introduce Professional Master Degree; DCLC is concentrating on the items above and is lobbying through the members of Parliament and Social partners like Chamber of Commerce, Confederation of Industrialists, Business representatives as well as regional and local Authorities.

11 Possibilities for Strengthening the Sector
Setting Policy Priorities through National Stakeholder Consultation Clear State development policy, which is related to: - education policy and HR development; - social security; - health care system; - transportation; - urban and rural (regional) development and - state defence. Sharing Experience with Experts & Associations at European Fora This is always the valuable source of experience and ideas. The problem, that they are not always easily transferable and adoptable because of the different legal environment and culture. Best Practice Collection & Sharing Always welcome!

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