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Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

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1 Conduction, Convection, and Radiation
Heat Energy Transfer

2 Methods of Heat Energy Transfer
Conduction is the transfer of heat energy by particles of objects in direct contact with other particles. Convection is the transfer of heat energy by the movement of fluids(gas or liquid) convection currents due to hot fluid rising and cold fluid sinking Radiation is the transfer of heat energy by electromagnetic waves does not involve the movement of matter

3 A Conduction transfers energy as heat along the wire and into the hand
B. Embers swirl upward in the convection currents that are created by the warmed air above the fire which rises C. Electromagnetic waves emitted by the hot campfire transfer energy by radiation

4 Heat Transfer by Convection
Convection is the process of heat transfer through the mass motion or flow of some fluid, such as air or water. When a pot of water is heated, convection currents are set up as the heated water at the bottom of the pot rises because of its reduced density and is replaced by cooler water from above.

5 Perhaps the first thing that most people say is "heat rises"
Perhaps the first thing that most people say is "heat rises". While not wrong, what you should say is "hot air rises" or "hot water rises". Anything fluid - that is gases or liquids - will tend to change density with changes in temperature. For example, if heated, air decreases in density. The surrounding air is cooler and denser. This makes it heavier, so it falls beneath the hot air, forcing it upwards.

6 What type of heat transfer is shown in the following pictures?
B. Radiation A. Convection C. Conduction D. Radiation

7 Conductors and Insulators
Conductors readily transfer heat energy. Gases are the poorest conductors Solids are the best conductors Insulators are poor conductors of heat energy. Fiberglass batting is better than air alone because it traps air.

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