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Mid-Year Concert Fundraiser

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1 Mid-Year Concert Fundraiser
Saturday, 22nd June 2013 Cherrybrook Technology High School, Purchase Rd Cherrybrook Please invite your friends & family ~ all welcome The doors will open at 5.00pm for a 5.30pm start on the evening of the concert. We envisage the concert will conclude by 7.30pm – not too late for the younger students. Entry $10 – please pay as you enter the concert, tickets will not be available before the concert. We need at least 100 people to make a profit from this event. Please bring your family and friends and come along to show your support. This will be a fun evening for both students and parents to watch and enjoy the benefits of our fundraising, we want to make it easy, fun, non labor intensive and a great night out for all students and their families. We feel this is a great opportunity for the students to watch and be inspired by the older students of Dance Pointe. Students who will be performing in the concert are as follows: Advanced, Senior (both CB & BH), Intermediate, Kinder, All Performance Students. These students have been chosen to dance in the concert as they have dances prepared or are Performance Students. A schedule and further information will be forwarded shortly to those performing. Information regarding costumes will be forwarded shortly, however, there will be no hire fees as I will donate them as part of the fundraiser. As this is a fundraiser to benefit the families of Dance Pointe we will need at least 20 volunteers to help assist with the concert. Dance Pointe does not benefit from the concert as the money raised will again go towards reducing our year end concert Ticket Prices. Please advise if you can help at the concert by adding your name to the notice board. If anyone would like to contribute/donate an item for a lucky door prize, we would be extremely appreciative.

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