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Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

2 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Course Outline What is ARES? What Is AUXCOMM? What About RACES? Forsyth County AuxComm / ARES Mission Structure Communications Plans Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

3 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Course Outline Why We Train Required Training Recommended Training On Air Training Comex Qualification Levels ID Application Process – AuxComm Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

4 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
What is ARES? ARES is the function of the Amateur Radio Relay League Field Organization which coordinates ham radio response as communicators in disaster situation and public service events. Local ARES units are formed at the county level and are led by an appointed volunteer Emergency Coordinator (EC). Effective this year ARES has training and certification requirements have changed. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

5 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
What is AuxComm? AUXCOMM is a DHS Emergency Support Function (ESF-2) that covers all supplemental communications support for emergency and disaster situations. As DHS and most states have done, the State of North Carolina has designated AuxComm as the RACES equivalent within the state and placed Amateur Radio primary within that designation. AuxComm includes ARES, CERT communications, REACT, etc. within ESF-2.  Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

6 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
What About RACES? RACES – Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service. Licensed stations that are registered with local Civil Defense (Emergency Management). Per FCC Regulations, only these stations may operated once the President activates the War Powers Act. In NC AuxComm is considered RACES. However you must meet all training requirements and be registered in the AuxComm Database. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

7 Forsyth County ARES has changed
Within the State of North Carolina and Forsyth County NC, amateur radio has been tasked with managing supplemental communications operations (ESF-2) from the EOC and/or Incident Command Posts as requested. As such Forsyth County ARES has been re-designated as: Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

8 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Our Mission Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES provides communications support under EFS-2 for WSFC Emergency Management and local municipalities within the county as well as surrounding counties where no formal AuxComm or ARES organization is established. Through State-Wide Mutual Aid Agreements, Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES when requested by either the State of NC or WSFC Emergency Management could be deployed to surrounding counties during an emergency or disaster. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

9 AuxComm – ARES Structure (NC)
NC OEM State Section Leader District Emergency Coordinator County OEM County Emergency Coordinator Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

10 AuxComm – ARES Structure (Forsyth)
Emergency Coordinator (EC) Safety Officer Assistant Emergency Coordinator (AEC) EOC Comm Team(s) AEC - Training AEC – Western Ops AEC – Eastern OPS Rapid Response Team(s) Rapid Response Team(s) Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

11 Communications Teams (Forsyth)
EOC COMM TEAM EOC Communications Leader Communicator Communicator RAPID RESPONSE TEAM RRT Leader Radio Operator Radio Operator Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

12 NC Emergency Communications Plan
“Amateur radio serves as an alternate back-up communications system for both voice and data. They provide backup communications through a cadre of trained, experienced volunteer Operators. NCEM maintains and operates Amateur Radio stations at the State EOC, Eastern and Western Branch Offices.” Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

13 NC Emergency Communications Plan
“A variety of message transport mechanisms such as voice, digital and Continuous Wave (CW), or Morse Code. These may be employed, using singularly or in any combination of: Short range VHF/UHF radio via direct point-to-point links, strategically located repeaters and linked systems. Long range HF (shortwave) point-to-point communications, intra-state and interstate, as needed. Mobile/portable/handheld stations (VHF/UHF/HF).” Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

14 NC Emergency Communications Plan
“(d) Digital MARS Winlink system using HF radio. This system, operated through the DoD's MARS program, provides backup capability through a large network of independent stations located throughout the US, all of which provide connectivity to worldwide facilities and can operate with infrastructure, if available, or completely free of infrastructure on a fully automatic basis. Use of this system does not require the presence of Amateur Radio/MARS operators on-site, since the State has been granted MARS Agency licenses.” Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

15 NC Emergency Communications Plan
“Typical deployments have operators on-site at the served agency location(s) and liaison operators working from their homes or other locations where emergency power is available. Small scale incidents generally are supported by formal "nets" of operators deployed as needed/directed. Larger incidents generally involve a statewide net (Tar Heel Emergency Net).” Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

16 NC Emergency Communications Plan
Identify, train, and assign personnel to maintain contact with and prepare to execute mission in support of ESF-2 during periods of activation. Establish and maintain an organizational structure and plans coincident with the NCEM organization to facilitate rapid integration. Establish plans for and conduct training plan to support WinLink Field operations. Provide radio communication assistance in support of voice and record (written) traffic Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

17 NC Emergency Communications Plan
Provide reports from disaster areas. At the direction of the State PIO, provide public information releases to media outlets in disaster areas when other means are not available. Provide radio operators to conduct self-sustaining operations in support of emergency operations for periods up to 72 hours. Provide WinLink support as needed/requested. Participate in exercises and drills as directed Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

18 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
ARES Changes Three qualification levels Level 1: Basic Level 2: ARES Operations Qualified Level 3: ARES Management Qualified Level 1: Local training only requirements Level 2 and 3: FEMA IS and ARRL training requirements Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

19 ARES vs AUXCOMM Training
Trainee Level: Radio Operator: Local training Working on completion of ICS courses 12 Months to complete ICS courses Level 1: Basic Operator Local Training only May be working on ICS course May stay at this level indefinitely Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

20 ARES vs AUXCOMM Training
Basic Level: Communicator Completion of ICS-100 / 200 / 700 / 800 plus 1 day local EmComm 101 course Red Cross Shelter Familiarization (On-Line – Preferred) Level 2: ARES Operator Completion of ICS-100 / 200 / 700 / 800, and ARRL EC-001 (9-week, 45 hour on-line course - free) Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

21 ARES vs AUXCOMM Training
EOC OPS Level: Communicator: Basic Level Qualified Completion of 1-day EOC-NCS course Level 3: Management: Completion of IS120, IS-230, IS-240, IS-241, IS-242, IS-244, and IS-288 and ARRL EC-016 (9 week, 45 hour online course) Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

22 ARES vs AUXCOMM Training
Lead Level: Communications Team Lead: EOC Level Qualified Completion of Web-EOC. ICS-300 preferred AuxComm preferred Level 3 is top level Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

23 ARES vs AUXCOMM Training
Staff Level: EC / AEC: Lead Level Qualified ARRL Level 3 preferred (ARRL required for EC) Level 3 is top level Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

24 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Why We Train To learn New skills Procedures Policies To practice our skills Our skill set is perishable To be Prepared! Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

25 Forsyth County AuxComm – ARES Combined Training Requirements
All Personnel: ICS 100, 200, 700 & 800 Available: NOTE: NC State Mandated for those operating in ICS locations such as EOC’s and Command Posts. NOTE: ARRL Level 2 mandated Red Cross Shelter Familiarization Training Red Cross Mandated Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

26 Forsyth County AuxComm – ARES Combined Training Requirements
Communicators ARRL EC-001 course (ARRL mandated for Level 2) or Forsyth County AuxComm – ARES: EmComm 101 course and Forsyth County AuxComm – ARES: EOC-NCS Course AuxComm Certification Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

27 Forsyth County AuxComm – ARES Combined Training Requirements
Communications Team Lead Forsyth County OEM: WebEOC Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

28 Forsyth County AuxComm – ARES Combined Training Requirements
AuxComm – ARES Staff Positions ARRL 001 (ARRL Mandated for EC) ARRL 016 (ARRL Mandated for EC) IS-120, IS-230, IS-240, IS-241, IS-242, IS-244, and IS-288 (ARRL Mandated for EC) NOTE: ARRL Level 3 NOTE: EC must meet these training requirements to be approved for this position NOTE: Staff should be at this level for backup to the EC Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

29 Recommended Training – EOC-CL
Forsyth County OEM: ICS-300: Advanced ICS, 3-day classroom IS-775: EOC Management and Operations AuxComm: Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

30 Recommended Training - ALL
FC AuxComm – ARES Recommended: SkyWarn: All AuxComm – ARES Personnel. Required bi-annually. Offered by FARC bi-annually and WSFC OEM annually. IS-1160 Disaster Assessment Operations: All AuxComm – ARES personnel specifically RRT Leaders. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

31 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
On-Air Training Every Thursday 2000 hours on W4NC (+) 100 hz. Training posted to website: NCS Training – all personnel are encouraged to conduct at least 1 or more AuxComm – ARES net annually. Preferably 1 every 6 months. SKILLS ARE PARISHABLE Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

32 Communications Exercises (COMEX)
Conducted quarterly Personnel should make at least ONE per year Normally operate 1-2 hours with some potential for longer periods These are in addition to public service events such as Tour to Tanglewood. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

33 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
AuxComm - ARES Badging Personnel are required to display a valid AuxComm – ARES ID Badge at all times when performing AuxComm – ARES duties in an EOC, Command Post, Red Cross Location. It is recommended that they be worn in for field operations as well. Club ID’s are NOT acceptable for access. Redesigned Identification will be issued soon. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

34 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
AuxComm – ARES ID’s Identifications are issued based upon qualification level. ID is valid for 2 years and Only when accompanied by: Valid FCC Amateur Radio License and Valid Government Issued Photo ID Non-Disclosure Agreement for EOC Level and above. (coming) Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

35 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Current Staffing EC: W1HRC Harlan AEC: WA4NOT Jim AEC-OPS: W1LLO Stacey AEC-TECH: WB9SZL Dale 3 Comm Leads 5 EOC Communicators 24 Basic Communicators 35 Radio Operators Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

36 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Access Authority Trainee (Green) Permitted access to any facility for Training Purposes provided a Communications Lead is available. Will not normally be assigned as a primary Radio Operator, Communicator during any actual Emergency / Disaster. Will NOT be assigned as a NCS or primary NCS operator for any event. May be used as a Rest Stop or SAG operator at Public Service Events. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

37 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Access Authority Basic Level (Blue) – Communicator Access to any non-ICS facility to perform assigned communications duties such as shelters or public service event communication points. Access to any facility for Training Purposes provided a Communications Lead is available. May perform NCS duties at non-ICS locations during Public Service Events. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

38 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Access Authority EOC Level (Blue) and higher Access to any facility assigned for communication duties. May perform NCS duties at any location. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

39 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Background Checks Red Cross requires background checks for personnel working in any position within a shelter. Red Cross pays for these. The AuxComm-ARES Manager is notified of anyone not approved by the ARC but not the reason for denial. Background is CHRC only Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

40 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
Background Checks State and County request that CHRC checks be done for personnel working in an EOC / CP although they are not yet mandated. MS society does Drivers Record checks for SAG’s and other mobile operators. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

41 Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES
How to Apply FCAA Form 100 – AuxComm-ARES Application Available on-line at or back of Club Newsletter Submit to OR In person to Harlan W1HRC AuxComm-ARES Manager Members need to update contact license and certification information annually. Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

42 Be Trained and Ready to GO!
Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

43 Questions ????? Maybe Answers…..
Copyright Forsyth County AuxComm - ARES

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