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Autobiography of My Dead Brother

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1 Autobiography of My Dead Brother
Daily Activities

2 Do Now Dec 2 Music Monday in QUICK WRITE, answer:
Does Reb really think the Rich are better? I will be handing out books while you write.

3 Part I—True or False A Person’s personality is based on how they are raised. If a person does a bad thing, the parents are ultimately responsible. Friends have more influence on a person than their family does. If you grow up in a violent place, you are more likely to be violent. Stealing is always wrong. Killing is always wrong.

4 Say Something! Part 1 1. With your partner, decide who will say something first. 2. Take turns reading the selection aloud (stop about every two or three paragraphs) 3. Pause to say something about what was read. 4. When you say something, do one or more of the following: a. Make a prediction b. Ask a question c. Clarify something you had misunderstood d. Make a comment e. Make a connection 5. If you can’t do one of those five things, then you need to reread. 6. Your partner offers a response to what was said.

5 Character Revealed Ways Character Is Revealed Example
Ways Character Is Revealed Example What You Learned About the Character from This Example Character’s appearance Character’s private thoughts Character’s feelings or reactions to a particular character Character’s actions

6 Exit Slip: TSS Paragraph
“That’s the terrible thing about it,” Miss Lassiter said. “First there’s one shooting, and then there’s a shooting getting even with that one, and people don’t know when to stop.” (p. 5) Based on Miss Essie Lassiter’s statement below, what can the reader infer about the character’s environment?

7 Don’t forget to turn in your Anticipation/Exit Slip!
Homework: Read to the end of Chpt 4 by Tues, filling in the character chart. Don’t forget to turn in your Anticipation/Exit Slip!

8 Do Now Dec 3 & 4 Totally Wacky Tues/Wed- QuickWrite:
Imagine that Rise or Jesse has been dropped into Taylor Swift’s life. Describe the reaction of the character to that strange situation.

9 Quick Quiz !

10 SAY SOmEthing Rules: With your partner, decide who will say something first. Take turns reading the selection aloud (stop about every page) Pause to say something about what was read. When you say something, do one or more of the following: a. Make a prediction b. Ask a question c. Clarify something you had misunderstood d. Make a comment e. Make a connection If you can’t do one of those five things, then you need to reread. Your partner offers a response to what was said.

11 Beliefs (of the character) Actions (of the character)
Character Beliefs Viewpoint of Actions Beliefs (of the character) Actions (of the character) Jesse Rise

12 Exit Slip: TSS Paragraph
Pick a Picture that Jesse drew and discuss how this picture helps you understand how Jesse views that character/situation.

13 Don’t forget to turn in your Quiz/Paragraph Sheets!
Homework: Read to the end of Chpt 6 by Thurs, coming up with questions for our quizzes. Don’t forget to turn in your Quiz/Paragraph Sheets!

14 Thoughtful Thursday-----------Quick Write
Do Now Dec 5 Thoughtful Thursday Quick Write “One day I seen me standing in the cold by the side of the track waiting for my train to come. All I was getting was colder and colder and my train never did come.” (p. 72) Prompt: What impact has the environment had on the choices Rise makes?

15 Stations Look at violent crime statistics. Use the Smart Board.
Say Something (Catch up on your reading!) Reading Plus development (Make sure you are caught up!) Language of the streets (chart due at end of your time there)

16 Don’t forget to turn in your Language and research sheet!
Homework: Read to the end of Chpt 12 by Mon, coming up with quiz questions for the other class. Don’t forget to turn in your Language and research sheet!

17 DO Now Dec 9 Music Monday----QUICK WRITE How do parents’ choices
affect their children?

18 Stations Look at violent crime statistics. Use the Smart Board.
Say Something (Catch up on your reading!) Reading Plus development (Make sure you are caught up!) Language of the streets (chart due at end of your time there)

19 Don’t forget to turn in your Language and research sheet!
Homework: Read to the end of Chpt 14 by Tues, coming up with quiz questions for the other class. Don’t forget to turn in your Language and research sheet!

20 Do Now Dec 10-11 Jesse has created some avatars to represent himself and Rise. Today, create your own Spodi Roti, or avatar. What would you be?

21 Quick Quiz !

22 Save the Last Word for Me!

23 Exit Slip: TSS Quote Sandwich
What are some internal conflicts that Jesse seems to be having?

24 Don’t forget to turn in your Quiz and Paragraph Sheet!
Homework: Read to the end of Chpt 16 by Thurs, coming up with quiz questions for the other class. Don’t forget to turn in your Quiz and Paragraph Sheet!

25 Thoughtful Thursday-----------Quick Write
Do Now Dec 12 Thoughtful Thursday Quick Write “We can’t let fools drag us down to their level. If that’s all they got, then that’s all they got. We got something else.” “I don’t know if I got a level to deal on or not,” C.J. said. “You got talent, so you have a level to deal on,” I said. “That’s the word, chapter and verse. I got the art thing going on, and that’s important to me, because what you’re doing makes me surer about what I’m doing. You see what I am talking about?” (pp ) Prompt: How are C.J. and Jessie able to make responsible choices about their future?

26 Stations Save the Last Word for Me Reading Plus Pull outs
Reading Plus/Grammar Games MAD 60 Practice

27 Homework: Read to the end of Chpt 20 by Mon, filling in the Venn Diagram on Jesse. Don’t forget to turn in your MAD 60 Practice, and any other sheets you completed!

28 DO Now Dec 16 Music Monday----QUICK WRITE
Is it really possible to save your friend’s life?

29 Stations Save the Last Word for Me Reading Plus Pull outs
Reading Plus/Grammar Games MAD 60 Practice

30 Read to the end of Chpt 22 by Tues, getting ready for a Quiz
Homework: Read to the end of Chpt 22 by Tues, getting ready for a Quiz Don’t forget to turn in your MAD 60 Practice, and any other sheets you completed!

31 Do Now Dec 17 & 18 Totally Wacky Tues/Wed- QuickWrite:
Write a suspenseful horror story that centers around Christmas Lights Or Write from the point of view of someone who received coal in their stocking.

32 Quick Quiz !

33 Track Text Structure! In groups of two (2) create a timeline of the story. Figure out where you should place the Flashbacks. Think about how you are going to show that there has been a shift in time. (Hint: You may want to fill this out in pencil)

34 Exit Slip: TSS Quote Paragraph
“Yeah, Jesse here is writing my life up,” Rise went on. “I’ve been telling him there’s three important times in a man’s life. The first was when he was born. That’s about the circumstances he got going for him. Then when he dies. That’s about what he’d done with his days. But there’s one minute in his life where he makes the big D to take over his life. That’s what most people don’t do, take charge of their lives. Ain’t that right, Jesse?” (p. 172) Prompt: Do you agree or disagree with Rise? Use information from the text and your experiences to support your response.

35 Don’t forget to turn in your Quiz/Exit Slip and Timeline sheet.
Homework: Make sure you have read the book—You are writing a MAD 60 tomorrow! Don’t forget to turn in your Quiz/Exit Slip and Timeline sheet.

36 Dec 19: MAD 60 Select a character from The Autobiography of My Dead Brother and in a well-developed informational essay, show how he is defined by his environment/choice(s).     Be sure to use evidence from the text to support your analysis.

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