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Grade 3 French Immersion

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1 Grade 3 French Immersion

2 Grade 3 French Immersion Teachers
Madame Belliveau-Black Madame Warren-Vautour

3 LeARN Program We use the LEARN program to track behaviour.
All students start the day with all green pushpins. If a student does something that is not acceptable, the student receives a yellow pushpin.

4 LEARN Program If a student does something that is unacceptable again the student receives a red pushpin and they are sent to the Learning Lab, during lunch recess, to complete a reflection sheet. The acronym LEARN stands for the following: L-Look, Listen and Grow E-Excited and Engaged A-Accepting of Everyone R-Respectful and Responsible N-Never Give Up At the end of the month, students who have received two or less red pushpins will take part in the monthly celebration.

5 Dollar Reward System Students receive a dollar when they are able to answer a question in French and when they are able to read something in French by themselves.

6 Dollar Reward System Students lose a dollar if they say a word in English and another student is able to correct them in French. Students can save their money and buy prizes out of the prize box or choose a reward.

7 Sticker Reward System Students receive a sticker on their sticker chart for good behaviour. When their card is full, the students are able to choose a reward.

8 Homework Les Sons Duo-Tang- Students have a sound to practice almost every night. Please check and initial daily. Lecture-Students will have a book to read each night. Math games Sight word games Agenda- Please check and initial daily. Reading Log- Please check and initial daily.

9 Grade 3 French Immersion
September- End of November French, Math, English, and specialties December-June French, Math, English, specialties, Science, Health, Social Studies, and Personal Development

10 Questions?

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