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By Cecily flemate Freson pacific University

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1 By Cecily flemate Freson pacific University
Beach Ball By Cecily flemate Freson pacific University

2 Standards to be addressed
Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten: Standard 1: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed 1 to perform a variety of physical activities. Body Management 1.8 Demonstrate the relationship of under, over, behind, next to, right, left, up, down, forward, backward, and in front of by using their body and an object. Manipulative Skills 1.13 Toss a ball to oneself, using the underhand throw pattern, and catch it before it bounces twice. 1.15 Bounce a ball continuously, using two hands. Standard 2 Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, 2 and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Movement Concepts 2.2 Identify and independently use personal space, general space, and boundaries and discuss why they are important. 2.6 Explain the role of the eyes when striking objects with the hands, arms, and feet.

3 Standards to be addressed
Standard 3 Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance 2.8 Describe the position of the fingers in the follow-through phase of bouncing a ball continuously Fitness Concepts 3.1 Participate in physical activities that are enjoyable and challenging Standard 4 Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance. Aerobic Capacity 4.5 Explain that physical activity increases the heart rate. Standards 5 Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and 5 sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity. Social Interaction 5.3 Demonstrate the characteristics of sharing in a physical activity. 5.4 Describe how positive social interaction can make physical activity with others more fun.

4 Background Information:
Children must have an understanding of basic movements that involve the combination of movement patterns of two or more body segments. Child must also have the basic abilities to use their manipulative skills of bouncing a beach ball continuously off the surface of both hands in to the air. Students must be aware of personal space and the safety of others as they bounce the beach ball in a large circle. Group: 5-6 children per group; ages 5-6 years old. (2 groups)

5 Objective: The children will develop and strengthen their Manipulative skills when bounding a beach ball off the surface of their hands into the air. The children will also establish skills in depth perception. The children will expand their hands-eye coordination. The children will also identify the differences in force in reference to the distinctive body parts they will use during this activity.

6 Materials: Large beach balls (1 per group)
Music (phone, iPad, or small stationary radio) Large open space (Inside or outside) Internet access (if necessary to retrieve song)

7 Procedure: Review Students will be provided with information on how they need to bounce the beach ball off their hands in to the air and it requires concentration. The teacher will then demonstrate how to properly bounce the beach ball off the surface of their hands and into the air. The children will then be taught that during the activity their goal is to keep the beach ball in the air using only their hands. Children must have the basic skills of demonstrate the relationship of under, over, behind, next to, though, right, left, up, down, forward, backward, and in front of by using their two hands.

8 Overview: The teacher will first explain the safety rules to all of their students since they will be assigned to small groups. The teacher will then demonstrate and explain how to bounce the beach ball off the surface of their hands into the air, as well as the importance of the position of the fingers in the follow-through phase of bouncing a ball continuously off their hands. They will also explain to their students the importance of their hand-eye coordination as they are using their hands to keep the object (beach ball) in the air.

9 Presentation – First the teacher will explain to their students that they are going to play a fun activity with a beach ball. At that time the teacher will show the beach ball to their students. The teacher will explain the safety rules of the activity and also inform them of the health benefit of the activity. The teacher will tell them that their cue for one student to throw the ball in the air will be when the music begins, and when the music stop one student needs to catch the ball. The teacher will then divide their students into two groups, and instruct each group to form a circle with space in between all of them.

10 Presentation –continue
Next the teacher then will then give one beach ball to each group of students. Once each group has their beach ball, the teacher will address their expectation and directions. The teacher will demonstrate to their students how one student must first throw the beach ball into the air. Once the ball is in the air the teacher will encourage every student to participate and keep their eyes on the ball and as they continuously bounce the ball off their hands, while also focusing on their finger positions to keep the ball in the air. Explain to the students that they must have space between them at all times, during the activity for safety reasons. The teacher will do a complete demonstrate for all their students and remind them to work as a team and to keep the ball in the air, and from touching the ground. The teacher will explain that in order to keep the ball in the air they need to use under, over, behind, next to, right, left, up, down, forward, backward, and in front, hand motions to keep the ball in the air. Once the children have seemed to grasp the skills of controlling the ball and hitting the ball properly while keeping it in the air. The teacher can then begin the music and engage with each group as they participate in the activity. If the students our demonstrating that they can keep the ball in the air in two separate groups, towards the last 5-10 minutes of the activity combined both groups and form one large circle. After the activity is complete, I will provide my students with a water break and explain to them about how beneficial physical activities is and it can increase their heart rate.

11 Discussion Questions:
What are other activities that can be fun using your hands to keep the ball in the air? What do you think will happen if the ball was kicked? Are there other sports or activities that require people to be supportive of their teammates, what are they? Would it be easy or hard to bounce the beach ball off your hands in the air while you run, why? When you were doing the activity was your heart beating fast or slow?

12 Evidence of Learning: The children will not fall as they bounce the beach ball off the surface of their hands into the air. The children will understand the amount of power required to bounce the beach ball off their hands into the air. The children will be able to make contact with the ball by using their hands. Children will be able to position their fingers properly in the follow-through phase of bouncing a ball continuously off the surface of their hands into the air. I will observe the overall receptivity of the activity to see if students are connecting their manipulative, psychomotor, and cognitive, skills during the activity.

13 Next Steps: If the students did show evidence of meeting the objective provide each student with a balloon next time to complete the activity. If the students did not show evidence of meeting the objective, repeat the same activity the following week.

14 References Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools. (2005). California Department of Education. Retrieved from

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