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Geography of Africa.

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1 Geography of Africa

2 Continent of Africa compared to Continental US

3 How many hemispheres is Africa in?

4 What is the main religion in Africa?

5 Outline the 5 Regions of Africa

6 Northern Africa

7 Western Africa

8 Central Africa

9 Eastern Africa

10 The Horn of Africa

11 Southern Africa

12 Cape of Good Hope The Cape of Good Hope was originally named the Cape of Storms by Portuguese explorer Bartholomew Dias in Dias became the first European to travel around the tip of Africa. The Cape was renamed the Cape of Good Hope by Portugal's King John II because it allowed an easier trade route with India The Cape of Good Hope has a reputation for being the southernmost tip of Africa, but the most southern point is actually Cape Agulhas, the official division between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans

13 Gold Coast

14 Colonialism

15 Liberia Liberia, "land of the free," was founded by free African-Americans and freed slaves from the United States in An initial group of 86 immigrants, established a settlement in Christopolis (now Monrovia, named after U.S. President James Monroe) on February 6, Thousands of freed American slaves and free African-Americans arrived during the following years, leading to the Republic of Liberia on July 26, 1847.

16 Bodies Of Water Label: Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean
Red Sea Nile River Label: Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Congo River Niger River Nile River Zambezi River Niger River L. Chad--> <--Gulf of Aden L. Albert--> Congo River L. Victoria L. Tanganyika-> Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Zambezi River Limpopo River Orange River Pacific Ocean

17 The Congo River Basin 90 inches of rain yearly
Because of the heat around the equator, it is home to hippos, manatees, snakes, crocs, tortoises, pigs, elephants, mosquitos The grasslands are home to buffalo, antelope, zebras, gazelles, and giraffes. People grow peanuts, cotton, tobacco, sugarcane Transportation for people and goods, but gas-powered engines have added pollution.

18 The Niger River Basin 11th largest river in the world
Oil is one of the main sources of income from this river. Irrigation spreads the river to the delta Hydroelectric dams provide power and protect against flooding

19 The Nile River Basin (Longest River in the World)
Geography for the Nile River valley was important for early civilization. The Nile would flood each year starting July – Nov. This flood would provide with new, rich soil and wash away waste. Along with this, the seas around it provided protection from war and disease.

20 Mountains & Peaks Label: Mt. Kenya Mt. Kilimanjaro Atlas Mts.
Ruwenzori Mts. Drajensburg Mts.

21 Mt. Kilimanjaro: Snow on the Equator?
Tallest mountain in the world Composed of 3 extinct volcanoes: Kibo, Mawenzi, & Shira Kibo may be completely gone within 20 years due to the melting glaciers 25,000 people a year attempt to climb the mountain

22 Deserts Shade: Sahara Desert Sahel Desert Kalahari Desert
With the help of the next slides, Shade: Sahara Desert Sahel Desert Kalahari Desert Libyan Desert Sahara Desert Sahel Namib Desert Kalahari Desert

23 Sahara Desert 5-25 mm rainfall annually 80 – 122 degrees farenheit!
Extremely windy: hot, dust-filled winds create dust devils which make temperatures feel hotter. 70 species of mammal 90 species of birds 100 species of reptiels

24 Desertification NOT the advance of deserts
IS the process of land degradation Caused by population & poverty: Overgrazing Cultivation of high-risk lands Destruction of plants for fuel Incorrect irrigation Effect: Water is lost off the land rather than soaking in Protective plants disappear Further desertification Fix: Mulching Teaching

25 The Sahel Sahel means “edge” or “shore” of the desert.
It is a belt of semiarid grassland that divides (or joins): the sands of the Sahara and tropical forests. Arabs and blacks, Muslims and Christians, nomads and farmers, a land of green and a world of tan. Some 50 million of the world’s poorest, most disempowered, most forgotten people hang fiercely on to life there.

26 Kalahari Desert Means “The Great Thirst” Not actually a Desert
World’s Largest Sand Basin San bushman home for 20,000 years (depicted in The Gods Must be Crazy, 1980) Antelopes, hyenas, lions, giraffes, meerkats Diamond mines

27 Great Rift Valley 4,000-mile crack in the earth's crust
Greatest rupture on Earth’s surface Contains lowest place below sea level: Afar Depression, 510 ft below sea level Includes Africa’s tallest mtn: Kilimanjaro Some of the world’s deepest lakes Can be seen from the moon Many hot springs Flamingos, gorillas, giant mole rats

28 Other maps of Rift Valley

29 The “Tropical” Continent
Draw & Label: Equator Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Tropic of Cancer 20° N Equator 0° Tropic of Capricorn 20° S

30 African Trade Winds

31 Vegetation Zones Color & Key: Deserts Grasslands Tropical Forests

32 The African Savannah: 13 million sq. mi.

33 African Rain Forest Annual rainfall of up to 17 ft.

34 The Complete Topography Of AFRICA Mediterranean Sea Atlas Mts.
Libyan Desert The Complete Topography Of AFRICA Tropic of Cancer 20° N Sahara Desert Red Sea Sahel Nile River Niger River L. Chad--> Great Rift Valley <--Gulf of Aden L. Albert--> Equator 0° Δ Mt. Kenya Congo River L. Victoria Δ Mt. Kilimanjaro L. Tanganyika-> Indian Ocean Ruwenzori Mts. Atlantic Ocean Zambezi River Namib Desert Kalahari Desert Limpopo River Tropic of Capricorn 20° S Orange River Drajensburg Mts. Pacific Ocean

35 Natural Resources

36 References: from

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