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EDF- WG Public Services and Public Procurement

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1 EDF- WG Public Services and Public Procurement
Fall Meeting

2 EDF- WG Public Services and Public Procurement
Agenda of the day 9: :00 Introduction and Updates from EUROCITIES 10: :00 WG discussion on current initiatives/Update from Haarlem 12.00 – Lunch break 13:00 – Presentations and discussions on Social procurement 14.30 – Presentation and discussion on the Notification Service direct. Discussion and Update on FTAs 16.30 – 17:00 WG Program 2019 and WG Report 2019/Next meeting/ Concluding remarks 9.15 – 9.30 Registration and coffee 9.30 – 9.40 Introduction by WG chair and round of participants Approval of draft agenda 9.40 – 09.50 Update on the study visit by Nantes by Aleksandra Olejnik (EUROCITIES) Update on ‘Big public buyers and Network Initiative’ by Aleksandra Olejnik (EUROCITIES) 10.00 – 10.45 Discussion on ‘Big public buyers and Network Initiative’ moderated by Chair of the WG 10.45 – 11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 11.30 Update on Partnership on Innovative Public Procurement – by Coordinator of the Partnership – City of Haarlem 11.30 – 12.00 Discussion about the synergies between WG and the Partnership – moderated by the Vice-Chair of the WG 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch break Presentation by Anna Lupi, DG GROW, on activities in context of social clauses in public procurement Presentation by City of Warsaw on social clauses in public procurement 13.35 – 13.50 Presentation by Georgia Efremova, DG ECFIN, on activities in context of social bonds and impact investing Discussion on the challenges and bottlenecks of social clauses and social bonds in public procurement, moderated by Aleksandra Olejnik (EUROCITIES) 14.30 – 15.00 Presentation by Mark Boekwijt, Representative of the City of Amsterdam, on the impact of the Notification Service Directive Discussion moderated by Justin Mai, Vice-Chair of the WG 15.15 – 15.30 Update on free trade agreements (FTAs), by Justin Mai, Vice-Chair of the WG Discussion and next steps on the draft position paper on FTAs moderated by Justin Mai, Vice-Chair of the WG 16.30 – 17.00 Summary, next steps

3 EDF- WG Public Services and Public Procurement
Update on the Study Visit in Nantes Focus on on “Building procurement strategy and managing strategic procurement ” Exchange between members of the Public Procurement Partnership of the Urban Agenda for the EU Inputs to the framework Structure of the guidelines

4 EDF- WG Public Services and Public Procurement
Big Buyers Initiative: a pilot A number of concrete pilot activities involving key interested stakeholders will be organised on:  Joint statement of demand with a view to engaging the market on the basis of a critical mass of demand for specific products and services. Such statements of demand will be based on joint needs assessment. Alliances for deployment and scale up of breakthrough innovation used for piloting and testing innovation through procurement based on the expressed needs. It is expected that such needs can be found among others in sectors related to construction, health, energy and especially social care and mobility. Training and peer-to-peer exchanges including promotion of strategic procurement based around cases with experts who can answer practical questions in the context of the overall objective of increased professionalisation of public procurement practices. The training thematics will be identified with stakeholders.

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