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by Graeme E Glass, and Kallirroi Tzafetta

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1 by Graeme E Glass, and Kallirroi Tzafetta
Optimising treatment of Bell’s Palsy in primary care: the need for early appropriate referral by Graeme E Glass, and Kallirroi Tzafetta BJGP Volume 64(629):e807-e809 December 1, 2014 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice

2 A case of longstanding idiopathic facial palsy treated with a free gracilis flap to the right side.
A case of longstanding idiopathic facial palsy treated with a free gracilis flap to the right side. Note: while satisfactory dynamic facial reanimation was achieved, the imported muscle was unable to match the refined animation achievable using autologous muscle targets. These were not available in this case owing to the prolonged duration of the palsy. Graeme E Glass, and Kallirroi Tzafetta Br J Gen Pract 2014;64:e807-e809 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice

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