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Preliminary Budget Presentation Economics and Historical Trends

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary Budget Presentation Economics and Historical Trends"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminary Budget Presentation Economics and Historical Trends
Midd-West School District

2 Presentation Outline 2017-18 Millage Information
Assessment Analysis of Snyder County Ten Year Taxation History Assessment History Act 1 Base vs. Adjusted Index Revenue History Local Revenue History Pension Expenditure Analysis Expenses by Object History Salary and Benefits History Debt Schedule Debt Refund Update

3 Millage Information Adjusted Index Set at 3.4%, Base 2.5% Max millage increase to index is mills Assessment currently at $174,271,140 (subject to change) Maximum additional revenue to index = $415,427 (subject to change) CLR (Common Level Ratio) – 5.85 Average Residential Assessment $16,041, Farm $23,281, Commercial and Industrial $47,332 Increase to index would be $2.38 per $1,000 of Assessment

4 Assessment Analysis: Snyder County

5 Taxation History

6 Assessment History

7 Act 1 Base vs. Adjusted Index


9 $5,054,727 $4,753,556 $4,619,708 $4,376,080 $3,988,845 $4,233,377 $4,253,585 $3,221,158

10 Pension Expenditure Analysis



13 Debt Schedule

14 Debt Refund Update

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