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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Interactions Living Things Cells Human Body

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Interactions Living Things Cells Human Body
Genetics Evolution Etc. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 The scientific name for “living” Biotic

3 1 - $200 Organisms that create their own food. Producers or Autotrophs

4 1 - $300 Name this biome: Main plant is grass, has wet and dry seasons but never really gets cold Savanna

5 1 - $400 The process of a plant losing water Transpiration

6 1 - $500 Why is nitrogen important to living things?
Nitrogen builds proteins and DNA

7 2 - $100 Which types of cells have no nucleus? prokaryotes

8 2 - $200 The jelly-like substance which holds all of the organelles

9 2 - $300 This organelle makes proteins Ribosomes

10 2 - $400 Name this process: Sunlight energy, water, and carbon dioxide for glucose and oxygen. Photosynthesis

11 2 - $500 Maintaining a constant internal environment even when the outside environment is changing. Homeostasis

12 3 - $100 Name that system: Function is to transport blood through the body Main organs include heart, blood, and blood vessels. Circulatory System

13 3 - $200 Name that system: Function is to break down food into small parts Main organs include esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines. Digestive System

14 3 - $300 Name that system: Function is to bring oxygen into the body and to take carbon dioxide out of the body. Main organs include lungs, bronchi, and nasal cavity. Respiratory System

15 3 - $400 Name that system: Function is to clean the blood
Main organs include kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra. Urinary System

16 3 - $500 Name that system: Function is to protect the body and help maintain homeostasis in the body. Main organs include hair, skin, and nails. Integumentary System

17 4 - $100 The 2 letter representation of the types of genes which offspring receive from their parents is called: Genotype

18 4 - $200 The physical appearance of an organism, caused by its genes.

19 4 - $300 If a parents who is homozygous dominant for a trait mates with a parent who is homozygous recessive for a trait, what is the probability that their offspring will have the recessive trait? 0%

20 4 - $400 In meiosis, __________ parent cell(s) produce(s) ______________cells which are not identical to each other or to the parent. One, Four

21 4 - $500 Snapdragon flowers have incomplete dominance for color. If pollen from a red flower fertilizes the egg of a white flower, the offspring flowers will be… Pink

22 5 - $100 Which scientist is known for his research on the Galapagos Islands? Charles Darwin

23 5 - $200 Natural Selection is a process by which nature chooses which organisms will __________ and _________________. Survive, reproduce

24 5 - $300 Which traits can be passed from parent to offspring?
Inherited Traits

25 5 - $400 Which traits are gained over an organism’s life?
Acquired Traits

26 5 - $500 What is the study of describing, classifying, and naming living things? Taxonomy

27 Final Jeopardy A certain bacterium can divide every 30 minutes. If you begin with one bacterium, when will you have more than 1000 bacteria? 5 hours

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