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CORE Name: CORE® Description: An architecture/systems engineering tool that supports requirements management, behavioral analysis, architecture development, simulation, verification and validation, and complete system documentation. Source: Vitech Corporation Role: Delivers a complete set of integrated, consistent DoDAF views available upon demand from the design repository. Conceptual Model: Logical Model: Yes Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
Operational Architecture
CORE DoDAF 1.0/1.5 Schema Operational Architecture Domain System Architecture Domain Architecture composed of composed of Added Type ‘Service’ Added Service Type attribute Service Specification documented by Added Behavior Type ‘Service’ and ‘Integrated (Services)’ Operational Node implemented by Component built from built from achieves Interface connected to / thru joins & joins thru comprised of connected to / thru performs includes implemented by NeedLine Link Standard Guidance exhibits exhibits governs includes Exchange Characteristic performs guides transfers transfers Exchange Characteristic Selected Classes Selected Classes exhibits exhibits Operational Information implemented by Item decomposed by Requirement specifies decomposed by inputs / outputs / triggered by refined by basis of inputs / outputs / triggered by basis of specifies Operational Activity Added Status attribute implemented by Selected Classes Function exits by Exit decomposed by decomposed by exits by captures / consumes / produces captures / consumes / produces achieves Resource Color Code Operational Task achieves Physical Element Interface Element Mission Organization includes includes includes responsible for Functional Element Requirement Element Selected Classes Note: Overlay in “red” represents DoDAF 1.5 schema extensions
AP-223 Name: AP-223 Description: AP233 is a standard for exchanging and sharing information between systems engineering software applications (e.g. functional modeling tool, requirements tools, etc). It is part of the STEP Standard (ISO10303) and provides a neutral and open way to exchange complex systems engineering information. Source: EuroStep Role: AP233 is an exchange and sharing format for DODAF and compliments the existing CADM XML format for DODAF. Conceptual Model: Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
AP-223 (DoDAF Views) Systems Technical Operational
Operational Concept Description (OV-1) Node Connectivity Description (OV-2) X Y Z Systems Interface Description (SV-1) Operational Activity Model (OV-5) Information Exchange Matrix (OV-3) Activity to System Function (SV-5) System Functionality Description (SV-4) Organizational Relationships Chart (OV-4) Systems Data Exchange Matrix (SV-6) Operational Activity Sequence and Timing Description (OV-6 a/b/c) Systems Communications Description (SV-2) System - System Matrix (SV-3) Systems Technology Forecast (SV-9) Standards Technology Forecast (TV-2) Technical Architecture Profile (TV-1) Systems Performance Parameters Matrix (SV-7) • ..... Logical Data Model (OV-7) Systems Functionality Sequence and Timing Description (SV-10 a/b/c) Systems Evolution Description (SV-8) Physical Schema SV-11 A B C T1 T2 T3 NODES TIME
Prototype CADM 2.0 Core Architecture Data Model (CADM) 2.0
Name: Core Architecture Data Model (CADM) 2.0 Description: The underlying data representation for the elements and inter-relationships in DODAF’s architecture views and products. Source: OASD NII Role: Architecture artifact reuse, analysis, simulation, reporting, quality, data sharing and aggregation, enterprise information and decision support Conceptual Model: Yes Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
Prototype CADM 2.0
ProVision DoDAF schema
Name: Description: Source: Role: Conceptual Model: Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
ProVision Diagram DoDAF schema
M3 (MODAF Meta-Model) MODAF Meta-Model (M3)
Name: MODAF Meta-Model (M3) Description: Specifies a profile of UML 2.1 for the Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF). Source: Model Futures Ltd. Role: 1) tool configuration, and 2) specification of the XMI exchange format between MODAF-compliant tools. Conceptual Model: Yes Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
M3 (MODAF Meta-Model)
CRIS Corporate Resource Information Source (CRIS)
Name: Corporate Resource Information Source (CRIS) Description: CRIS contains meta data on USTRANSCOM processes, business rules and systems. Source: USTRANSCOM Role: Portfolio Management Conceptual Model: Logical Model: Yes Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
CRIS Logical Data Model
ASM Architecture Specification Model (ASM)
Name: Architecture Specification Model (ASM) Description: The ASM is a symmetric alignment of data centric architecture objects and their associations, working as an integrated model that consists of a full set of formal object classes and relationships supporting DoDAF architecture views and products, and all their constituent objects. Source: Role: The role of ASM is to provide a rigorous definition for the concepts needed for complete and integrated architecture descriptions that can be used to craft any number of DoDAF product “renderings” (structured or object) to meet the needs of any architecture community. Conceptual Model: Yes Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
ASM Model
CADM 1.0x / 1.5 Core Architecture Data Model (CADM) v1.0x & 1.5
Name: Core Architecture Data Model (CADM) v1.0x & 1.5 Description: The underlying data representation for the elements and inter-relationships in C4ISR Architecture Framework and DODAF 1.0 architecture views and products. Source: OASD NII Role: Architecture artifact reuse, analysis, simulation, reporting, quality, data sharing and aggregation, enterprise information and decision support. Conceptual Model: Yes Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
CADM 1.0x / 1.5 Model Overview
IDEAS Name: International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS) Description: IDEAS is a data exchange format for military Enterprise Architectures. The scope of the project is four nation (plus NATO as observers) and covers MODAF (UK), DoDAF (USA), DNDAF (Canada) and the Australian Defence Architecture Framework. Source: IDEAS Group Role: The initial scope for exchange is the architectural data required to support coalition operations planning. Conceptual Model: Yes Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
IDEAS Overview
Name: UML Profile for DoDAF/MODAF (UPDM) Description: Provides an industry standard UML representation for DoDAF architecture products and MODAF views through the OMG standardization process based on a model-driven architecture (MDA) approach to specification. Source: Role: To enhance the quality, productivity, and effectiveness associated with architecture and system of systems modeling; improve tool interoperability and communications between stakeholders; and reduce re-training requirements for different tools and projects. Conceptual Model: Yes Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
JC3IEDM Joint C3 Information Exchange Data Model (JC3IEDM)
Name: Joint C3 Information Exchange Data Model (JC3IEDM) Description: The JC3IEDM is an information exchange data model reflecting the multinational military information exchange requirements for multiple echelons in land-based wartime operations and crisis response operations to include joint interfaces that support land operations. Source: Role: The JC3IEDM is focused primarily on the information requirements that support the operations planning and execution activities of a military or civilian headquarters or a command post. Conceptual Model: Yes Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
GML Geographic Markup Language (GML)
Name: Geographic Markup Language (GML) Description: Geography Markup Language is an XML grammar written in XML Schema for the modeling, transport and storage of geographic information. The key concepts used by Geography Markup Language (GML) to model the world are drawn from the OpenGIS® Abstract Specification and the ISO series. Source: Role: Provides a variety of kinds of objects for describing geography including features, coordinate reference systems, geometry, topology, time, units of measure and generalized values. Conceptual Model: Yes Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
GML UML Notation
GML Class Hierarchy
NAF v3 NATO Architecture Framework (NAF)
Name: NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) Description: The NAF provides the rules, guidance, and product descriptions for developing, presenting and communicating architectures. The NAF is also the common denominator for understanding, comparing, and integrating architectures. The application of the framework will enable architectures to contribute most effectively to the acquisition and fielding of cost-effective and interoperable military capabilities. Source: Role: The NAF ensures that the architectures developed by NATO and the Nations can be compared and related across NATO and National boundaries. NATO common funded programmes are to comply with the NAF to promote systems interoperability. Conceptual Model: The NMM is the information model for NAF version 3, defining the structure of the underlying architectural information that is presented in the Views. The goal is that NAF version 3 tools are ‘model-driven’ – i.e. the Views that are presented to the user are snapshots of underlying architectural data which is stored in the tool or in a repository. Logical Model: Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
NAF v3 Meta Model
GEIA-927 Name: Government Electronics and Information Technology Association (GEIA) Description: GEIA-927, “Common Data Schema for Complex Systems,” is an integrated multi-domain data schema for representing system product and process data. The data schema is the organization and interrelationships of system data essential for developing an advanced integrated environment. Source: Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) Government Electronics and Information Technology Association (GEIA) Role: GEIA 927 assists program management offices in harmonizing complex sets of data across multiple databases. Conceptual Model: Logical Model: Yes Physical Model: Sample Data Available:
GEIA-927 Schema Example Modeling Military Force Structure Data and Relationships
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