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Learning Objectives How to Read Pedigree diagrams properly

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1 Learning Objectives How to Read Pedigree diagrams properly
How to Draw Pedigree diagrams How to use Pedigree diagrams to make conclusions about past and future genotypes How to recognize sex-linked traits in PD diagrams How to draw sex-linked traits in PD diagrams

2 F1: Parental (1st) generation
Pedigree Diagrams: Tracing traits through a family’s history = boys = girls Reproductive mating F1: Parental (1st) generation F2: 2nd generation Time Proceeds Downwards

3 Pedigree Diagrams: Tracing traits through a family’s history = boys
= girls Trait: Hair Color B-Brown hair (dominant) b-blond hair (recessive) (Brown) BB or Bb = or (Blonde) bb = or F1 F2 F3 Brown hair Blonde

4 Pedigree Diagrams: Often can use the phenotype to help determine a family’s genotype for traits
Bb bb B? Bb

5 Now lets really test your skills

6 Simpson's Pedigree: Non-Sex linked Trait of Hair Color
Yellow ( & brown) Hair – Y – Dominant Blue hair – y- Recessive F1 yy Y? yy Yy F2 Yy yy yy F3 Yy

7 X Y Sperm Sex Chromosomes X Egg XX XY Notice: equal chance of having a boy or girl, and father still determines the gender of the child (only the male can give the Y chromosome)

8 Autosomes Sex Chromosomes

9 Sex-Linked Genes: Genes that are inherited on either the X or Y chromosome (sex chromosomes)
Ex: Eye color in Fruit Flies R – red eyes (dominant) r – white eyes (recessive) XR or Xr Y No eye color gene on the Y chromosome So the X chromosome becomes even more important

10 XR or Xr or Y XR XR 33.3% XR Xr Xr Xr XR Y 50% Xr Y
R – red eyes r – white eyes XR or Xr or Y Odds of white eyes Genotype Phenotype Sex XR XR XR Xr Xr Xr XR Y Xr Y Red Eyes White Eyes Female Male 33.3% 50%

11 -For recessive sex-linked Traits: -Girls can be carriers (XEXe)
Red-green Color Blindness is a recessive sex-linked Trait: XE and Xe Y E –normal eye color vision gene e – red-green color blind gene Has no color gene XE XE XE Xe Xe Xe XE Y Xe Y Normal Carrier C.B Normal C.B. Vision Vision 1/3 1/2 -For recessive sex-linked Traits: -Girls can be carriers (XEXe) -Boys are more often fully affected than girls

12 ? -For recessive sex-linked Traits: -Girls can be carriers (XEXe)
-Boys are more often fully affected than girls XE Y XE Xe ? Xe Y XE Y XE X?

13 -For recessive sex-linked Traits:
-Girls can be carriers -Boys are more often fully affected than girls

14 Sex Linked Trait or not? Not Sex-linked Trait (Autosomal)

15 Sex Linked Trait or not? Sex Linked Trait


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