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Module 6: Workplace & Chemical Hazards 6.1 Asbestos Susan Harwood Grant Number SH-17820-08-60-F-23 Shipbreaking.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 6: Workplace & Chemical Hazards 6.1 Asbestos Susan Harwood Grant Number SH-17820-08-60-F-23 Shipbreaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 6: Workplace & Chemical Hazards 6.1 Asbestos Susan Harwood Grant Number SH-17820-08-60-F-23 Shipbreaking

2 Disclaimer This material was produced under grant number SH-17820-08-60-F-23 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or polices of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 2

3 Objectives 3 Identify potential locations for asbestos List personal protective equipment required Describe chronic exposure effects of asbestos

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6 Asbestos is a naturally occurring fiber that is a highly fibrous material. Figure 1 Asbestos signage outside restricted area 6

7 Asbestos will not burn due to being heat resistant and it is chemical resistant. Figure 2 Glass furnace at 2300 degrees 7

8 There are six types of asbestos: Amphibole and Chrysotile are the most general types. Chrysotile causes the most harm to the body. Figure 3 Lagging around piping in the engine room. 8

9 Asbestos has been widely in some manufactured goods such as building materials and flooring. Figure 4 Hall way in the main deck passage way. 9

10 Asbestos-containing materials (ACM) contains more than 1% asbestos. Figure 5 Flooring in the staterooms 10

11 Asbestos typically is disposed of in hazardous waste landfill sites. Figure 6 Non-hazardous waste in drum. 11

12 Bright future: Asbestos can be recycled into harmless silicate glass. Figure 7 Glass blowers in Seattle. 12

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14 Asbestos pipe insulation is generally throughout the vessel. Figure 8 Marking asbestos lagging. 14

15 Fireproof drywall. Figure 9 Wall material in staterooms. 15

16 Vinyl flooring may contain asbestos and a sample test must be conducted to verify. Figure 10 Flooring in staterooms. 16

17 Fire resistant gaskets in certain valves. Figure 11 Valves in the engine room with asbestos lagging. 17

18 Fire retardant coating generally in the engine or boiler rooms. Figure 12 Engine room near the boilers and generators 18

19 In the galley hotplate wiring may contain asbestos. Figure 13 Captains and officers galley 19

20 Certain types of cement have asbestos fibers mixed in. Figure 14 Cement plant in El Paso, Texas 20

21 Firefighters clothing or fire suits. Figure 15 Bunker gear used by fire fighters 21

22 Brake and or clutch pads. Figure 16 Tracked crane in yard 22

23 Sound proofing materials. Figure 17 Control room with sound proofing material on bulkheads 23

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25 Time-weighted average limit (TWA) is 0.1 fiber per cubic centimeter in an 8-hour day. Figure 18 PPEs with Tyvek suit and N-95 mask 25

26 Initial monitoring and survey should be conducted prior to entering the work area. Figure 19 Asbestos containment room 26

27 Respiratory protection will be implemented if engineering controls and action levels exceed the TWA. Figure 20 Powered APR testing 27

28 A powered air-purifying respirator provides better protection over a negative respirator. Figure 21 Powered Air Purified Respirator 28

29 HEPA filters for respirators. Figure 22 Workers in tyvek suit and air purified respirators 29

30 Face shield or vented goggles to protect the eyes and face. Figure 23 Workers outside asbestos containment room 30

31 Coveralls or Tyvek suits are recommended and no street clothing are not allowed in the restricted area. Figure 24 Asbestos workers transiting to the workplace 31

32 Prohibit blowing or shaking of protective clothing or equipment. Figure 25 Asbestos change room with showers and protective clothing 32

33 A change room should be provided. No employee takes work clothing out of the change room. Figure 26 ESCO Marines portable change room for asbestos workers on board vessel 33

34 Shower area to be provided. Figure 27 Signage outside portable change room 34

35 Lunchroom facilities have positive pressure and filtered air. Figure 28 View of the portable change room 35

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37 In ship building approximately 100,000 people have died or will die from asbestos exposure. Figure29 Entry into restricted asbestos area 37

38 Asbestos is a human carcinogen. Figure 30 Entry to restricted asbestos area 38

39 Asbestosis results in difficulty in breathing and frequent coughing. Figure 31 Grounded fibers from wiring 39

40 Cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure greatly increases your chances of lung cancer. Figure 32 Cutting sectional with torch 40

41 Symptoms do not generally appear for 20 to 30 years after exposure. Figure 33 Workers taking materials to be cleaned inside containment area 41

42 Mesothelioma: cancer of the lining of the chest. Figure 34 Workers in the yard 42

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45 References: OSHA eTool\ National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Wikipedia Encyclopedia http// Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 45

46 46 Worker safety is a priority

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