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Engineering Mechanics: Statics

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1 Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Chapter 6: Friction

2 Introduction Ideal assumption – forces between contacting surfaces act normal to the surfaces Real surfaces – there are tangential forces between contacting surfaces = “Friction forces” Friction force occurs when one contacting surface tends to slide along another. Minimize the effects: bearings, screws, gears, flow of fluids in pipe Maximize the effects: brakes, clutches, belt drives, wedges

3 Types of Friction Dry friction
- unlubricated surfaces in contact under a tendency to slide - friction occurs in the direction opposite to the impending motion - called Coulomb friction   Fluid friction - adjacent layers in a fluid are moving at different velocity Internal friction –solid material under cyclical loading 

4 Dry Friction Mechanism of Dry Friction Static friction: Fmax = msN
limiting value for impending motion!!! Kinetic friction: Fk = mkN

5 Dry Friction The direction of R is specified by tan a = F/N
When the friction force reaches Fmax, the angle a reaches a maximum value fs . Thus, tan fs = ms When slippage is occurring, tan fk = mk The angles fs and fk are called angle of static friction and angle of kinetic friction which define the limiting direction of the total reaction R for each case.

6 Cone of Friction If motion is impending, R must be one element of the cone of static friction If motion is not impending, R is within the cone. The cone vertex angle is 2fs If motion occurs, the angle of kinetic friction is applied. The reaction R must lie on the surface of cone of vertex angle 2fk

7 Types of Friction problems
1. Motion is impending (body about to slip) Fmax = msN 2. Condition of motion is not known –find friction force F from equilibrium equation If F < Fmax (= msN) – body is in equilibrium and friction force = F If F = Fmax (= msN) – body is in equilibrium  motion is impending If F > Fmax (= msN) – impossible  not in equilibrium 3. Relative motion exist Fk = mkN

8 Sample Problem 6/2 Determine the range of values which the mass m0 may have so that the 100-kg block will neither start moving up the plane nor slip down the plane The coefficient of static friction for the contact surfaces is 0.30

9 Sample Problem 6/5 The three flat blocks are positioned on the 30 degree incline as shown, and a force P parallel to the incline is applied to the middle block. The upper block is prevented from moving by a wire which attaches it to the fixed support. The coefficient of static friction for each of the three pairs of mating surfaces is shown. Determine the maximum value which P may have before any slipping takes place.

10 Problem 6/9 The 30-kg homogeneous cylinder of 400-mm diameter rests against the vertical and inclined surfaces as shown. If the coefficient of static friction between the cylinder and the surfaces is 0.30, calculate the applied clockwise couple M which would cause the cylinder to slip.

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