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Bill Landing, FSU CLIVAR A16N 2003

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1 Bill Landing, FSU CLIVAR A16N 2003 Broad dissolved nitrate, Fe and Co maximum ( m) under the Saharan plume (0-20N). Feature due to atmospheric input, biological uptake and deeper regeneration AND/OR lateral transport?

2 Dissolved nitrate contours (at 500m) show elevated concentrations offshore suggesting that in-situ regeneration is important (?). Other tracers of lateral transport in suboxic zone? Dissolved Mn shows no evidence for suboxic “plume”.

3 Proposed transect along nitrate and O2 gradient towards western Africa;
Crossing transects to define N/S and E/W extent of Fe, Co, and nitrate plume. Occupy transects at least twice: Late Summer to capture Saharan dust imprint, Mid-Spring to assess “decay rate” of Fe plume.

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