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O&G GHG Project Path Forward

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Presentation on theme: "O&G GHG Project Path Forward"— Presentation transcript:

1 O&G GHG Project Path Forward
July 22, 2009 O&G GHG Technical WorkGroup

2 Logistics Password for wireless internet in the meeting room is "WRAP" and password is "Oil“

3 Project Task and Deliverable Status
Review Task 3/TCR Voluntary Protocol timeline Discuss general timeline, meeting/call schedule Key idea is to have the TWG continue to provide expertise and advice to mandatory and voluntary reporting protocols’ preparation

4 Beyond the current Task 2 report – what’s next?

5 Proposed path forward to move beyond Task 2 report
Steering Committee has identified need to prepare mandatory reporting protocol and analysis of methods to be used in that protocol Primary application of that effort is to support implementation of WCI, and eventually EPA, reporting requirements With WCI program as the initial application, logical to work on under the WCI banner to support partners in that effort

6 Proposed path forward to move beyond Task 2 report, continued
Steering Committee has identified that the current TWG would be of great assistance in developing the mandatory protocol Likely that additional TWG representatives will be needed, to broaden “coverage” of TWG advice Steering Committee to work on a proposal for this mandatory protocol project for consideration by WCI Need to begin work on that proposal in next few months

7 Possible Criteria to Evaluate Methods for Mandatory Reporting Protocol
Accurate (can be verified) Bias Contractor-supplied? Cost Feasibility (i.e. technical and practical) Method/measurement device availability Precision Reliability

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