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Presentation on theme: "DRAFT."— Presentation transcript:


2 August/September Convene Working Group and Provide Group with Charge
Discuss Short and Long Term Focus Discuss General Logistics for the Space Establish Working Group Meeting Schedule Formulate a Communications Plan Formulate Plans for Kick-Off/Opening Begin to Formulate Fall Slate of Events Finalize Fall Slate of Events Formulate HRE and CLC Collaboration Identify How CLC Will Serve as HUB for Latino Related Activities Develop ideas for CLC Staffing and Potential Advisory Board Begin to develop and draft a mission and vision statement for the CLC.

3 October/November Finalize HRE and CLC Collaboration
Finalize How CLC Will Serve as HUB for Latino Related Activities Determine Relationship Between CLC and Latino/a Studies Minor Begin Draft of Preliminary Report Finalize ideas for CLC Staffing and Potential Advisory Board Explore Relationship with Health Affairs Explore Relationship with Graduate Students Explore Relationship with Faculty and Staff Finalize Mission and Vision Statements Submit Preliminary Report

4 December/January Identify Recommendations for Relationship with Health Affairs Identify Recommendations for Relationship with Graduate Students Identify Recommendations for Relationship with Faculty and Staff Finals and Holiday Break Explore Relationship with Latina/o Alumni Identify Recommendations for Relationship with Latina/o Alumni Begin to culminate Process and Identify Final Recommendations Discuss if there will be a governing structure associated with the CLC. Begin to Discuss the Spring Slate of Events for the CLC.

5 February/March Culminate Process and Identify Final Recommendations
Begin to Draft Final Report Finalize the Spring Slate of Events for the CLC. Submit Final Report Wait for Response to the Report and Prepare to Possibly Reconvene.

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