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Thematic Studies In Bible Basics

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2 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics

3 Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants
The Bible…“God’s only Book”…has two different covenants showing how God has dealt with man through the ages Defined, “covenant” = An agreement between persons or parties They can be social, political, economic, or religious

4 Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants
There may not be a greater contributor to religious confusion than in the failure to recognize the difference between covenants Many erroneous religious practices exist because of this failure Tithing, a priesthood, instrumental music, observing the Ten Commandments, etc.

5 Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants
Some teach the 1st covenant never ended… the 2nd covenant is simply a “continuation” This clearly is not Biblical Heb 8:7, 13 Neither is it correct to just “dismiss” the 1st covenant because there is a 2nd one cp. Rom 7: :4 1 Cor 10: Heb 2:1-3

6 Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants
The 2nd covenant “makes more sure” (strengthens) the prophetic writings of the 1st covenant 2 Pet 1:16-21 Peter offers apostolic “eye witness” testimony re: Jesus vv He also points back to the prophets v. 19 Writings we would “do well to heed”

7 Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants
The Old Covenant Its Origin, Confirmation, & Violation God desired a covenant with a people He considered His own Ex 3:7, 10 cp. Gen 17:2, 6-7 A covenant that had conditions Ex 19:4-6 Application for 2nd covenant people 1 Pet 2:4-10 The parties of this covenant were clearly identified Deut 5:2-4


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