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Agenda - General Assembly Athens – 26th May 2006

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1 Agenda - General Assembly Athens – 26th May 2006
Minutes of the General Assembly 2005 – Milan Elections New Officers Financial results 2005 Membership situation IJRM Future doctoral colloquia and conferences External Relations Miscellaneous   Presentation of EMAC Flag to 2007 Conference hosts     

2 Elections 2006 - New Officers National Coordinators
Vice President Conference Gabriele Troilo National Coordinators Denmark Spain The Netherlands U.K. Israel Suzanne Beckmann Laura Lucia Ed Nijssen Michael Saren Renana Peres

3 President József Berács
Past-President Graham Hooley

4 Our sincere thanks to those leaving the Executive Committee
Veronica Wong – Vice President Conferences José Munuera – National Coordinator Spain Klaus Grunert – National Coordinator Denmark

5 Financial results Income & Expenditures 2005 2004 105.227,75
93.995,05 € Surplus 2005 2004 13.412,83 23.923,82 € Assets & Liabilities 2005 2004 ,66 ,08 €

6 Membership situation Total number of members 2005 - 827 members
Top 5 Countries 2005 1. U.K (118) 2. Germany (88) 3. Spain (75) 4. The Netherlands (57) 5. U.S.A. (54)

7 IJRM We are pleased to announce that the IJRM is now accessible online to all 2006 EMAC Members. The online archive goes back to the first volume of IJRM, published in 1984.

8 New Format IJRM 223 new manuscripts submitted (doubled in 5 years)
Most international of top marketing journals 37% European Manuscripts submmitted/28% North America/33% Asia-Australia 40% European Editorial Board Members/51% North America/8% Asia-Australia 43% European Authors Published/41% North America/14% Asia-Australia Recognized among top scientific Journals in Marketing (CNRS) High visibility through downloads (85000) New Format

9 Future Conferences 2007: The 36th EMAC CONFERENCE hosted by the University of Reykjavik. May : EMAC Doctoral Colloquium May : 36th EMAC Conference

10 External Relations External Relations at EMAC, overseen by the VP of External Relations, serves EMAC by: Extending EMAC's geographic boundaries to other region through links with pan national general marketing associations. Establishing links with country-based organizations within the central scope of EMAC Linking with more narrowly focused academic organizations Linking with organizations with a practitioner-focus where significant synergies may exist. Links and synergies include to joint meetings, joint publications, cross-marketing of products and the like.

11 Activity Summary Sponsorship of ISMS Practice Prize/Finalist Reprise at EMAC Meetings (Lilien) EMC Networking Site (Lilien) ESOMAR Coordination (P. Leeflang) BIGMAC (EMAC/ANZMAC joint sessions) (Rob Lawson) MSI (Mike Hanssens) Your recommendations???

12 Miscellaneous Q & A

13 Thanks for your attention See you all next year in… Reykjavik !

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