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Debrief of Learning Seminar on Youth Employment Initiative

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1 Debrief of Learning Seminar on Youth Employment Initiative
TÓTH Gábor and Costas VOYIATZIS DG EMPL - Impact Assessment and Evaluation Unit ESF Evaluation Partnership meeting, Brussels, March, 2015

2 State of play in YEI reporting
What can be expected in the April structured data submission? Quantitative data: 4 MS Implementation started in 2014 though MC approval missing Report to reflect the reality Possibility to change the report following the MC meeting Implementation did not start in 2014: only qualitative info reported

3 What is required in the April report?
Structured data Partially or fully implemented operations Content: Annex I and II and programme specific indicators Financial data Issues affecting the performance of the programme and measures taken Citizen's summary Optional: actions taken to fulfil ex-ante conditionalities

4 To what extent are administrative records used?
Large variation Number and type of indicators from registers Number of registers used Preparations for getting access to registers in progress Problem: mismatch between common and national definitions

5 What are the main problems?
Data on household situation FR example, direct applicability of the ESF Regulation Difference in ESF and national definitions Further guidance to beneficiaries Timeliness of data in administrative registers

6 State of play in YEI evaluation
Most Member States have included the 2015 YEI evaluation in their evaluation plan Currently MS are working on the ToRs Majority of the YEI evaluations will be procured One MS is in the tendering procedure Main reason of delay: Late adoption of OPs (or still at the negotiation phase)

7 What are the main evaluation questions covered and methodology used?
Cover a wide range of aspects for MS who have selected evaluation questions One MS has selected tasks instead of question In another case, the bidders will have to propose them YEI evaluation 2015: Mainly theory based (and process evaluation) Keen on taking up CIE (especially for 2018 evaluation)

8 YEI workshop – France on Household situation
Obligatory for all participants to answer questionnaire/questions in system Consent of participants is not needed because no data has been deemed as sensitive with the exception of data on minorities Direct application of the ESF Regulation

9 YEI workshop – France on Household situation
Validation checks at the aggregate level are responsibility of MA No problem to combine data sets from different MIS Updating results for participants who re-enter an operation after having left Data collection from minors

10 YEI workshop – Use of registers by Sweden
Criteria for the application of the definition for qualifications are missing Problem with output indicators referring to the situation of participants exactly on entry Compatibility between definitions used in national registers and the EC guidance has been assessed by Statistics Sweden Data on minorities and disabled will not be collected

11 YEI workshop – Use of registers by Sweden
If individuals are not in the PES register, they are considered as inactive Immediate result indicators will be collected by beneficiaries via a questionnaire

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