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Sept 2008 Closing Plenary Motions

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1 802.11 Sept 2008 Closing Plenary Motions
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 Sept 2008 Closing Plenary Motions Date: Authors: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

2 Sept 2008 Abstract This document is a composite of all sub-group motions that are for information, or may be brought at the September 2008 closing plenary. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

3 Sept 2008 WG telecons Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

4 Teleconferences Sept 2008 Group Dates Start Time Duration TGn Wed
10:00 ET 4 Hours TGp Thu 15:00 ET 2 Hours TGs Wed every other Wed starting Sept 17 1.5 Hours TGu Thu Nov 6 1 Hour TGv Tue Sept 23, Oct 7, Oct 21, Nov 4 12:00 ET (noon) TGw Wed Sept 24 weekly TGz Tue Sept 30, Oct 7, Oct 21 TGaa Mon every other week starting Sept 22 11:00 ET ARC Tue Sept 30, Oct 28 13:00 ET IMT Adv Fri VHT Thu Oct 2, Thu Oct 9 Thu Oct 16, Oct 23, Oct 30 20:00 ET 2 Hour JTC1 4 telecons TBA 10 days prior Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

5 Sept 2008 WG P&P Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

6 Motion to send WG Template Comments to AudCom
Sept 2008 Motion to send WG Template Comments to AudCom Move to send doc 08/1150r1 to AudCom. Moved: Jon Rosdahl Second: Stephen McCann Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

7 Sept 2008 TGn Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

8 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 TGn Motion Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB134 on Draft 6.0, And having prepared Draft 7.0 containing all of the approved comment resolutions, Move to begin as soon as possible, a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the technical question “Should P802.11n Draft 7.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” TG: 37 approve, 0 not approve, 0 abstain Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

9 Sept 2008 Ad hoc in November 2008 Move to authorize TGn to schedule an ad-hoc Friday, Saturday (Nov 7-8) in Dallas, Texas, at the Plenary Hotel for the purpose of resolving comments received during LB1xx on Draft 7.0, with the provision to shorten or cancel if not needed. In the TG: Rosdahl/Zweig, Unanimous Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

10 Sept 2008 TGs Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

11 Sept 2008 Month Year TGs Ad Hoc Motion Authorize TGs to hold an ad-hoc meeting on 5-7 November in Irving, Texas, hosted by E.F. Johnson, Inc., for the purpose of resolving comments on its Draft. In TGs: Mover: Tony Maida Seconder: Dee Denteneer Yes: 5 No: 1 Abstain: 4 Slide 11 John Doe, Some Company Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

12 Sept 2008 TGu Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

13 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 Motion Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB132 on Draft 3.0 and instructed the u editor to create Draft 4.0, ask the WG to approve a 15-day WG Letter Ballot asking the procedural question “Should u Draft 4.0 be forwarded to WG Letter Ballot?” If successful, then ask the WG to begin as soon as possible, a 30 day Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the technical question “Should u Draft 4.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved by: Gabor Bajko Seconded: Dave Stephenson Result: (for-against-abstain : 6/0/0) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

14 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 Motion Pending resolution of the requirement for a procedural letter ballot prior to a WG re-circulation letter ballot, and instruct the u editor to create Draft 4.0, ask the WG to begin as soon as possible, a 30 day Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the technical question “Should u Draft 4.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved by: Dave Stephenson Seconded: Gabor Bajko Result: (for-against-abstain :4/0/2) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

15 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 Motion Pending resolution of the requirement for a procedural letter ballot prior to a WG re-circulation letter ballot, and Move to instruct the u editor to create Draft 4.0, ask the WG to begin as soon as possible, a 3015 day Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the technical question “Should P802.11u Draft 4.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Modified grey=strikeout, green=insertion Moved by: Dave Stephenson Seconded: Gabor Bajko Result: (for-against-abstain :4/0/2) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

16 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 Motion Move to instruct the u editor to create Draft 4.0, to begin as soon as possible, a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the technical question “Should P802.11u Draft 4.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

17 Sept 2008 TGw Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

18 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 Motion Motion: Move to authorize the IEEE w Comment Resolution Committee to resolve the comments in P802.11w D6.0 by correspondence, to authorize the TGw Editor to create P802.11w D7.0 based on the comment resolutions, and to initiate a recirculation of P802.11w D7.0. Task Group Mover: Kapil Sood Seconder: Jouni Malinen Vote: (motion passes) Moved On Behalf of the Task Group by Jesse Walker For: Against: Abstain: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

19 Chair’s Statement The TGw motion is unnecessary
Sept 2008 Chair’s Statement The TGw motion is unnecessary I delegate resolution of the P802.11w sponsor ballot comments to Jesse Walker Any voting member of may vote at P802.11w comment resolution committee (P802.11w-CRC) meetings Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

20 Sept 2008 TGz Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

21 TGz Ad Hoc Motion Approve an Ad Hoc Move: Yongho Seok
May 2006 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 TGz Ad Hoc Motion Approve an Ad Hoc Dallas Sunday November 9th Move: Yongho Seok Second: Daniel Borges Result: Unanimous Slide 21 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Page 21 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell John Doe, Some Company

22 Sept 2008 TGmb new business Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

23 Motion to Approve Revision PAR
Sept 2008 Motion to Approve Revision PAR Believing that the PAR contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines, Request that the PAR contained in 11-08/1149r1 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for WG 802 preview and EC approval to submit to NesCom. Moved by Jon Rosdahl Second: Result: y- n- a- (Note: Deadline for posting to NesCom Agenda is Oct 20, 2008) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

24 IMT advanced AHC new business
Sept 2008 IMT advanced AHC new business Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

25 Sept 2008 Liaison output to WG16 Move to approve r0 as a liaison output to WG16. Move: Bruce Kraemer Second: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

26 Sept 2008 JTC1 new business Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

27 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 Motion Move to approve slide 4 of doc 11-08/1166r0 as the liaison text to be sent from the IEEE WG to the ISO/IEC Secretariat and China’s National Body as its response to the Xi’an meeting considering WAPI standardization Moved: Jesse Walker Second For: Against: Abstain: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

28 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2008 Motion Move to approve doc 11-08/1166r0 as the position of the P working group in response to the request by ISO/IEC to investigate options to standardize WAPI, and to authorize Jesse Walker to represent this position to ISO/IEC SC6. Moved: Jesse Walker Second For: Against: Abstain: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

29 Sept 2008 M1801 AHC new business Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

30 Sept 2008 Motion for WG Motion: To approve the document update-for-m-1801.doc for forwarding to the RR-TAG for approval and forwarding to the ITU-R. Moved: Second: Vote: Motion: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

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