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Product Training: Gravitrol

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1 Product Training: Gravitrol
Sales Meeting 2014

2 What is Gravitrol®? Gravitrol
A control system to maintain consistent extruder output by weight.

3 Gravitrol® is like “Cruise Control” for extruders
Operation Controls a constant output from an extruder by weight. To simplify line start-up. Synchronizes extruder & haul off ramping. Improves product quality. Gravitrol® is like “Cruise Control” for extruders

4 Gravitrol® is designed to control an extrusion system gravimetrically.
Operation Gravitrol® is designed to control an extrusion system gravimetrically. Each extruder is fed from a weigh hopper assembly which measures and sends weight loss information to the central computer. The central computer takes these weight loss readings, determines what corrective action is needed and makes the necessary extruder speed adjustments.

5 Each extruder RPM is adjusted by:
Operation Each extruder RPM is adjusted by: A voltage or current signal from the drive module which is designed to interface directly with the extruders drive system. A voltage or current signal from the line speed module which interfaces with the extruders take-off device.

6 Operation: Mono-Extrusion – HGB2
Control of one extruder Single material Optional additive feeder Screw and/or haul-off All B&R hardware

7 Operation: Mono Extrusion – G2 w Downcomer
Single extruder control Integrated through G2 Extruder and/or haul-off All B&R control

8 Operation: Mono Extrusion – X2
Downcomer extrusion control I/O for screw and haul-off Combo of PCC and B&R

9 Operation Co-Extrusion: Scenario 1 EXG Supervisory Panel
Integrated control Gravitrol and Blending EXG

10 Operation Co-Extrusion: Scenario 1 Director
EXG Director Integrate control of Director loading panel

11 Operation Co-Extrusion: Scenario 1 Drive Panel Extruders and haul-off
A/B or B&R A/B Drive or B&R DM EXG

12 Operation Co-Extrusion: Scenario 2 EXB2 B&R update of EXB MiniOp
PCC Single channel weigh modules A-B and B&R Drive Modules EXG EXB2 A/B Drive or B&R DM HGB Weigh Hoppers

13 Operation New Drive Interfaces
PLC Panel – PCC designed two PLC options (A-B or B&R) that will replace EXD and EXL cards. These PLCs still output a 0-10 VDC reference voltage to the drives. Remote Communications – Customers can “read” the set points directly from their main PLC control for the line, eliminating all boards. Integration is to be accomplished by the customer.

14 Installation System Description
A Gravitrol® System include the following components: EXG - A central supervisory computer/operator station HGB/HGB2 -- Single weigh hopper assemblies B&R based drive and haul-off control EXB2 – B&R based control

15 EXG Central Computer/Operator System
Installation EXG Central Computer/Operator System 32-bit microcomputer User interface panel Remote 3rd party communications Can supervise and control and PCC blender, Gravitrol and Director panel

16 Installation User Interface
The user interface was designed to make Gravitrol® easy to operate. Entry of operational parameters is quick and easy. Operational status is constantly displayed on the easy-to-read vacuum fluorescent display. Process parameters can be changed “on the fly”. Security features prevent unauthorized changes. System configuration parameters can be downloaded to a laptop for archive.

17 User Interface Panel (continued)
Installation User Interface Panel (continued) Recall of stored recipes requires only a few keystrokes. Operator is required to verify recipe settings before activating the change. Recipes can be downloaded from a host computer.

18 User Interface Panel (continued)
Installation User Interface Panel (continued) Recipes can be easily entered and stored. Recipe entry module is flexible and logical based on application. Production recipes can be modified without stopping the line. Each layer represents a desired percentage of the total structure.

19 HGB2 Weigh Hopper Assembly
Installation HGB2 Weigh Hopper Assembly Each extruder has a separate weigh hopper for gravimetric control. A range of weigh hoppers are available for different applications: Throughput rates up to 6,000 PPH. Integral loader support platform. Compensating load cells with overload protection. Weigh modules which send weight readings to the central computer. Designed for easy cleanout.

20 Installation EXB2 Drive Module
Provides the interfacing to the extruder’s drive system. Provides an analog output: -4 to 20 mA 0 to 10 volts -10 to +10 volts Typically mounted in the extruder drive cabinet.

21 Installation Line Speed Module
With an additional module, Gravitrol® is capable of controlling/monitoring the line speed. If this option is chosen, several new capabilities exist: Monitors throughput by length. Controls weight per running length. Controls average thickness. Controls inside tube diameter. Encoder unit and enclosure mounted within 15 feet of haul-off device. Drive mounts inside line-speed drive cabinet.

22 Installation Without Gravitrol®
Output curves must be found experimentally, wasting valuable production time. Once found, curves are subject to change as conditions vary, ie. Screen pack blinding, viscosity variations.

23 Application With Gravitrol®
Output curves are no longer needed as Gravitrol® meters material directly by weight. Gravitrol® simplifies line operation and reduces start up time.

24 Gravimetric Extrusion Control Systems
Application Gravimetric Extrusion Control Systems Eliminates the need to calibrate for each material. Maintains a constant line output. Provides accurate inventory control data.

25 Application Gravitrol ® will “learn” relationships between extruder output and screw speed RPM and control to the correct PPH target setpoint. PPH RPM 100 (% SPEED)

26 Application PCC “Step-Ramping Feature” allows automatic ramping while learning correct PPH setpoint throughout the ramping process.

27 Gravitrol® Removes Uncertainties From Extruder Throughput by:
Application Gravitrol® Removes Uncertainties From Extruder Throughput by: Eliminating calibration curves Metering directly by weight Achieving constant throughput

28 Improved Product Quality, Less Scrap
Application Improved Product Quality, Less Scrap Less extruder variation yields improved product uniformity. In critical applications, a gravimetric system is the only way to make an on-spec product.

29 Application Raw Material Savings
Material savings as a result of not having to overfeed in order to maintain minimum dimensional tolerances

30 Comprehensive Reports and Inventory Control
Application Comprehensive Reports and Inventory Control Every ounce of resin is monitored as it goes into your end product. Line information can be printed out or sent to a 3rd party computer for use in SPC.

31 Product Repeatability
Application Product Repeatability Once a recipe has been formulated, it can be run on any gravimetric line without generating output vs. RPM curves. Recipes can be stored for immediate recall at any time.

32 Simplified Start-up & “On-the-Fly” Product Changes
Application Simplified Start-up & “On-the-Fly” Product Changes Operator enters extruder and/or haul-off start-up RPM. Extruder and/or line-speed is ramped to desired speed. Gravimetric control system “learns” the output relative to speed in minutes. Within minutes, the line is ready for automatic control.

33 Gravimetric Additive Feeders
Application Gravimetric Additive Feeders PCC can add a feeder to an existing system. On a new installation, a Guardian® blender is more accurate and cost effective.

34 Used with X-Series Continuous Blender
Application Used with X-Series Continuous Blender On a mono-layer line, only a drive interface (EXD, PLC, Remote Communication) is required On a coex line, drive interface(s) and an EXB panel are required

35 Used with Guardian® Batch Blender
Application Used with Guardian® Batch Blender On a mono-layer line, a weigh hopper and drive interface (PLC, Remote Communication) is required On a coex line, weigh hoppers, drive interface(s) and an EXB panel are required

36 Guardian 2/Gravitrol

37 Guardian 2/Gravitrol

38 Guardian 2/Gravitrol

39 Future Development Plans
What’s Ahead Future Development Plans Conversion to B & R touch panel controller scheduled for late 2014 Single board I/O electronics for use with mono-extrusion and lower cost gravimetric feeders is in discussions

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