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© Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved

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1 Extending Quality Assurance and Data Integrity from Laboratory to Decision Makers
© Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. PerkinElmer Instructor Notes Day1 Part 1 1

2 OVERVIEW General Problems Solutions Manual and/or Duplicate Entry
Functionality Gaps in Process Flow Lack of Analytical Review Knowledge Solutions Closing Functionality Gaps to Enhance Data Integrity Enhancing knowledge of Quality Control Associations to Field Samples Importance of Quality Control Frequency Tracking professional judgments and decisions along the process flow Result comparison reviews – do the results make sense Result trending review – z scoring – brings anomalies to the surface Early alert and analytical issue communication to decision makers The agenda for today’s webinar is as follows: First, a brief background of who we are. An overview of the Alliance. And a brief review of the Environmental Industry. Then, we’ll discuss how we’ll leverage and support of the instrument sale, marketing and communications from EISC to all of you, as well as, What some of the expectations are. And finally, we want to leave you with a few things you can do right now to increase your opportunity for the instrument sale and then we’ll open it up to any questions you may have. It’s a lot of information and I want to keep it to about mins. So, I”ll run through much of this information pretty quickly to get to the Q&A portion. © Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. PerkinElmer Instructor Notes Day1 Part 1 2

3 Problem: Process Gaps in the Lab Data Life Cycle
Manual and Duplicate Data Entry Disparate Data Sources LIMS Connection Non-automated Quality Assurance Process Data Gymnastics to reporting or EDDs The agenda for today’s webinar is as follows: First, a brief background of who we are. An overview of the Alliance. And a brief review of the Environmental Industry. Then, we’ll discuss how we’ll leverage and support of the instrument sale, marketing and communications from EISC to all of you, as well as, What some of the expectations are. And finally, we want to leave you with a few things you can do right now to increase your opportunity for the instrument sale and then we’ll open it up to any questions you may have. It’s a lot of information and I want to keep it to about mins. So, I”ll run through much of this information pretty quickly to get to the Q&A portion. © Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. PerkinElmer Instructor Notes Day1 Part 1 3

4 Automation Solutions to Functionality Gaps – Enhancing the labs present process
Instrument Interfacing Notifications/ Transfer Results Electronic Communication Automated QA System GCMS/LCMS Trending Transfers LIMS Other Organics Reporting Inorganics Bi-Directional LIMS Connection Visualization Transfers Other Instrument(s) LIMS © Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. PerkinElmer Instructor Notes Day1 Part 1 4

5 SVOC and VOC Associations
Tune Initial Calibrations Continuing Calibration Verification Method Blank Laboratory Control Sample Client Samples 1 - n Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Duplicate Client Samples 1 – n ICAL Assoc MB Assoc And Prep QC Sample QC CCAL Assoc MB Assoc And Prep QC CCAL Assoc Sample QC © Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

6 Pesticides/PCB Associations
Instrument Blank Resolution Check Performance Evaluation Single Point Calibrations Toxaphene/Chlordane Calibrations Pesticide Initial Calibrations Continuing Calibration Method Blank Laboratory Control Sample Samples 1 – n Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Duplicate Samples 1 – n … Closing Continuing Calibration Run Assoc PEM Assoc CCAL Assoc Prep QC Sample QC Sample QC © Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

7 Inorganic Associations
Calibrations Initial Calibration Verification Initial Calibration Blanks Quantitation Check Standard Interference Checks Continuing Calibration Verification Continuing Calibration Blanks Method Blank Laboratory Control Sample Samples 1 – 10 Matrix Spike Duplicate Serial Dilution Post Spike Continuing Calibration Blank Closing QC Run Bracket Prep QC Sample QC © Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

8 All Laboratories – Primary, Secondary/Peer, and Completeness Reviews
GCMS GCMS GCMS HPLC AA ICPMS LCMS ICP GC Quality Assurance Primary Review Secondary Review Completeness Review All issues remain internal not found by the lab’s client © Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

9 Result Comparison Reviews – Do the results make sense?
Low or High pH on liquid analysis Low or High pH on Pesticides analysis Influent vs. CABI vs. Effluent Results Total vs. Dissolved Results GC vs. GCMS Results Bleed over from Dirty to Clean Samples Continuing Calibration Blanks Breakdowns Tailing © Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

10 Consistent Concentrations Seasonal Contaminant Fluctuations
Trending – Z Scoring (brings anomalies to the surface) Lab Data Consistent Concentrations Seasonal Contaminant Fluctuations Is something different occurring with the field sample or did something go wrong during the process? © Copyright 2017 Environmental Information Systems, Corporation. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

11 Allows Decision Makers to be Proactive rather than Reactive
Key Notification Alerts - Field Samples Outside Limit Allows Decision Makers to be Proactive rather than Reactive Human Health is impacted Environmental Disaster Company Prosecution and/or Legal Case Huge Discharge and Cleanup Fines © Copyright 2017 EISC, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

12 Communication of Qualified Analytical Results is Key to Sound Decisions
GCMS HPLC AA ICPMS GC LCMS ICP Defensibility Compliance Result Reliability Sound Decisions © Copyright 2017 Environmental Information Systems, Corporation. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

13 Samples and Preparation QC (Tier 2)
Importance Full Level (Tier 3 & 4) Possible Liabilities Possible Litigation Waste Streams Remediation Accidents Superfund Samples and Preparation QC (Tier 2) Monitoring Compliance © Copyright 2017 Environmental Information Systems, Corporation. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

14 Conclusions Closing the Functionality Gaps
Return to your Core Competence Enhance the Quality Assurance Result Reliability = Sound Decisions Questions? Contact Information: Paul Banfer Ext 3 © Copyright 2017 Environmental Information Systems, Corporation. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

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