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Mikko Alhainen Finnish Wildlife Agency Extraordinary NADEG Meeting on the Turtle Dove International Single Species Action Plan 26 April 2018, Brussels
Outline What we are working with? What is an “adaptive management”?
Management of habitats and harvest of migratory populations – a shared resource to be managed at Flyway context under many prevailing uncertainties What is an “adaptive management”? how can it be used to manage harvests? Examples from Taiga Bean Goose Adaptive Harvest Management
Flyway management Management of migratory populations shared by many countries requires Coordination, commitment, negotiation and trade-offs Periodic scientific assessment on the afforded sustainable take in respect to population status, management objective(s) and uncertainties (annual, biannual, triannual…) Agreement on division of population level quota to national level increments Ability at national levels to manage harvest level and to provide reliable data (minimum on population size and harvest)
Key Questions How to make compromises and account for trade-offs between different objectives and values? How to make the best decision we can with the available data and knowledge we have at hand now? How to reduce the prevailing uncertainties and do a better job in the future?
Adaptive management management in the face of uncertainty, with a focus on its reduction often referred to as “learning by doing” formal applications involve the use of decision science to: provide an analytical structure to the management problem help focus debate about objectives, possible management actions, and system behaviors provide optimal management decisions in the face of uncertainty
Adaptive Harvest Management
Recognizes that the environment, and therefore the size of the harvest surplus, is variable over time Recognizes that there may be other objectives beyond sustainable hunting opportunities (e.g., population goals) Recognizes that there is uncertainty about population dynamics and the impacts of harvest Uses all available data to inform a harvest decision Is based on a transparent and scientifically rigorous decision making process
Adaptive Management AM is a working model which, when properly used, can be a powerful tool when balacing contradictory objectives and managing natural resourses under many uncertainties. Key features of successfull Adaptive Management Framework Objective Transparent Trust building between stakeholders and ownership to the approach Under contradictory views of staleholders, the approach can help to find balanced compromise leading to least mutual dissatisfaction. Professional facilitator as a ‘honest broker’, who has no stake in he decision is committed to help the decision makers and stakeholders to agree on their objectives, management alterantives, models and monitoring and further to do informed decisions within the agreed framework
An Adaptive Harvest Management programme (or framework) is a two-phase system allowing double-loop learning Enables development of knowledge and improved decision-making as the process advances.
During the set-up phase stakeholders determine/decide
population objectives. potential management alternatives predictive models monitoring protocols and plans, to be able to follow the population response to management actions and to be able to learn from the differences from predictions and the observed changes. Finally the structure and annual cycle of the Iterative phase need to be agreed by the stakeholders
Based on agreed objectives and working models in the set-up phase, the process moves to the iterative phase. At this stage, decisions on population management (hunting quota) are made, the impact of actions monitored results assessed to increase understanding of the system in order to inform decision-making in the next year contributing to achievement of population objectives.
Set-up phase of the Taiga Bean Goose AHM programme
Starting point and overarching principle Agreed in the ISSAP for Taiga Bean Goose Was agreed in the IWG meeting December 2016 Agreement on key issues of the Set-up Phase and the structure of the annual cycle of the Iterative phase formed the basis to initiate the work in 2017. The set-up phase of the TBG AHM process has, in practice, started with the preparation of the ISSAP. In the course of the action planning process, population objectives and key tools to achieve them were identified and agreed with close involvement of all relevant stakeholders. Following the adoption of the TBG ISSAP, predictive population models and management alternatives were developed. The set-up phase of the AHM can be concluded at the first meeting of the AEWA EGM IWG, which is the decision-making body in the framework of the AEWA European Goose Management Platform (see Figure 2). Once the set-up phase has been concluded and the range states have agreed on management alternatives for AHM and predictive models, monitoring programme and other issues relevant for the process, the iterative phase can be initiated.
Structure for annual Taiga Bean Goose AHM cycle (circular graph).
Dynamic harvest strategy under preparation
Adaptive Harvest Management Interim Harvest Strategy of Taiga Bean Goose - to get started on Flyway Management Low-level of harvest as a trade-off between population recovery rate and some harvest opportunities Dynamic harvest strategy under preparation Adaptive strategy foreseen in future, when data availability allows
Decision to open harvest at 3% harvest rate
Taiga Bean Goose Decision to open harvest at 3% harvest rate Population size ~ in January 2017 Country National quotas Russia 15 % 350 Finland 49 % 1,144 Sweden 26 % 607 Denmark 10 % 233 Total 2,334
What to remember An effective, adaptive approach
Provides a clear connection between actions and objectives Provides an efficient use of management resources and information Facilitates communication among stakeholders Get the problem framing right Better to have a suboptimal solution for the correct problem than an optimal solution for the wrong problem Frame the problem within your capacity to address it (uncertainties, budgets, institutional capacity) The models and level of harvest compared to population size is determined species by species, but the approach and structure of decision making can be applied at more general level. The models are important, but they can be seen also as a vehichle on our journey towards sustainable harvest. As with TBG interim strategy, we can start simple but it means more uncertainty which is accounted as smaller relative harvest. Monitoring is also a crucial point.
Thank You The harvest models are important, but they are like a vehicle on our journey of Adaptive Management towards sustainable harvest. The more money and knowledge we have, the better vehicle we can build to drive fast and safe We can start our journey with the vehicle we can build now, and drive slow to be safe while looking forward to update our vehicle on the journey in respect to our increased knowledge and available resources. estimates on pop size and harvest are essentials to start the journey
Bird abundance Habitats Harvest Resources Resources Breeding Hunting
Quantity Quality Predation For the future of viable waterbird populations we need to work at multiple levels and scales. Waterbird abundance is a result of habitats and harvest. The huntable bird populations are dependent on a landscape level network of quality habitats and at a sustainable harvest levels that does not jeopardize the future of the population while taking into account social, ecological and economical carrying capacities Harvest opportunities and hunters provides significant resources for habitat management, and there is great potential for the benefit of wildlife habitats Staging Other legal harvest Wintering Habitat management Adaptive Harvest Management
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