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Word Wall Unit 1.

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1 Word Wall Unit 1

2 gon = angle...Greek

3 diagonal- connecting two adjacent angles
Pentagon- a figure of five angles and five sides

4 trans = across, through Latin

5 transient- not permanently settled in place
Transit –passing through

6 port = carry Latin

7 Transport- to carry across
Porter- one who carries

8 zo = animal Greek

9 Zoo- a park like area in which animals are kept
Zoology-the science of animals

10 logy = specified study Latin

11 Terminology- the system of terms belonging to a specified study
Mythology- the study of myths

12 mis = bad Latin

13 misery- suffering misunderstood- understand wrongly

14 dia = across, out Greek

15 Diagram-that which is marked out by lines
Diameter- the length of a straight line across a circle

16 sequ = follow Latin

17 sequel- follow up sequence- the following of one thing after another

18 phobia = fear Greek

19 Hydrophobia- fear of water
Phobia- a fear

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