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Robust and automated crystal screening

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1 Robust and automated crystal screening
Cassette kits and cassettes distributed to CC groups From initial design to production Used since June 2002 Implemented at all SSRL beamlines Large-scale crystal shipping and storage capacity Integration with BLU-ICE software Automated sample mounting Automated sample alignment Automated diffraction images

2 Local and central management of data
Majority of data now in JCSG DB 7942 crystals screened from 222 targets 254 datasets from 121 targets Growing reliance on the JCSG DB High priority upload of data to JCSG DB Active crystal report Structure solution tracking Local SDC “dataset” database

3 SSRL down, “X-rays On” at 9-2!!
Increased screening capacity during SSRL shutdown X-ray MicroMax-002 generator installed June 2003 SSRL automated screening system used 2311 crystals screened in 5 months ~40 structures solved

4 “Intense” beam time schedule without SSRL
Fantastic effort from SDC team, with valuable participation from CC and SMB colleagues 5-6 days per month at ALS 2-3 days per month at APS Refinement progress has been slower than desired… Looking forward to much more streamlined operation under SPEAR3

5 Fine screening crystallization at SSRL
Improve diffraction quality for borderline targets 9 proteins received from GNF 67 crystals screened 5 structures solved (TM0542, TM0574, TM1464, TM1780, TM1782) 3 structures in progress with diffracting crystals (TM0559, TM1246, TM1739) In addition several complexes of TM0449, TM0574 and TM1780 pursued by I. Mathews.

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