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ENTERGY SERVICES, INC. February 23, 2006

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1 ENTERGY SERVICES, INC. February 23, 2006
Addendum Long-Term RFP Detailed Instructions for Bidder Registration and Proposal Submission ENTERGY SERVICES, INC. February 23, 2006

2 Bidder Registration & Proposal Submission Sequence
ILLUSTRATIVE Appendix B – Bidder Registration Bidder electronically submits Bidder Registration Form (Appendix B) to ESI ESI’s automated data review Return sent to Bidder by ESI Final RFP Posted to Website Registration rejected (incomplete) Bidder remits wire payment of the Proposal Submittal Fee(s) ESI sends Bidder the invoice(s) for proposal(s) submitted Bidder faxes executed Bidder Registration Form to ESI Registration confirmed Appendix D – Proposal Submission Bidders electronically submits proposals to ESI Return sent to Bidder by ESI Bidder prepares proposals* ESI’s automated data review Proposal rejected (incomplete or invalid or Non-payment of Submittal Fee) Proposal confirmed After conclusion of Proposal Submission period, segregated data reports generated for evaluation by RFP Proposal Evaluation Team These data reports are reviewed by Independent Monitor and RFP Administrator prior to distribution to RFP Proposal Evaluation Team * Proposals must be registered and Proposal Submittal Fees paid to ESI no later than April 27, 2006

3 Electronic Bidder Registration Process
Bidder Registration is required of all Bidders and must be properly completed Bidders also must register all proposals during the registration process Bidder Registration Forms (Appendix B) will be accepted via electronic submission only ( attachment) between 8:00 a.m. CPT, April 18, 2006, through 5:00 p.m. CPT, April 21, 2006 Bidders are encouraged to submit their registration forms well in advance of the deadline to provide Bidders adequate time to correct any errors that may be identified in the electronic review process The Bidder must submit a correct address in the Bidder Registration Form In order to complete the Bidder Registration Process, Bidders must: Download the Bidder Registration Form from ESI’s RFP website Complete the form and save the document; the form to ESI’s RFP address (to be provided on April 17, 2006); and Upon receiving confirmation of Bidder Registration, fax an executed Bidder Registration Form (entire document) to ESI’s RFP Administrator, fax# (281) Upon receipt of the Proposal Submittal Fee invoice(s), remit wire payment of such invoice(s) to ESI BIDDER REGISTRATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL A FAXED, EXECUTED BIDDER REGISTRATION FORM IS RECEIVED BY ESI’S RFP ADMINISTRATOR, AND THE BIDDER HAS PAID ALL APPLICABLE PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL FEES

4 Electronic Bidder Registration Process
Word macros must be enabled in order to properly complete the Form If no reply is received within 30 minutes, please confirm the address you provided in the Bidder Registration Form, and resubmit if necessary ESI will have an RFP “Hotline” available during April 18th through May 19th (regular business hours) to assist Bidders only with respect to technical questions regarding the electronic registration or proposal submission process The “RFP Hotline” number will be posted on the RFP website on or about April 17th

5 Electronic Bidder Registration Process
Proposal Submittal Fee Within two (2) Business Days of receiving the executed Bidder Registration Form, ESI will invoice Bidder, by Proposal Identification Number, the Proposal Submittal Fee that is due for each registered proposal Bidders will be invoiced a $5,000 Proposal Submittal Fee for the first registered proposal from a generating plant and $1,000 for each additional registered proposal from that same generating plant ESI must receive the Proposal Submittal Fee for each registered proposal no later than 5:00 p.m. CPT on April 27, 2006

6 Electronic Bidder Registration Process
Proposal Submittal Fee Example Bidder A registers Plant X and registers three (3) proposals sourced from Plant X. Bidder A also registers Plant Y and submits two proposals sourced from Plant Y. Based upon the plants and proposals registered by Bidder A, that Bidder will receive five invoices: Invoice 1: $5, for Plant X, Proposal 1 Invoice 2: $1, for Plant X, Proposal 2 Invoice 3: $1, for Plant X, Proposal 3 Invoice 4: $5, for Plant Y, Proposal 1 Invoice 5: $1, for Plant Y, Proposal 2 Bidder A will remit five wire payments, one for each registered proposal, to ESI no later than 5:00 p.m. CPT on April 27, 2006. Failure to submit the Proposal Submittal Fee(s) by this deadline will cause the registered proposal(s) to be rejected as non-conforming and Bidder shall not be permitted to submit a Proposal Submission Form for such registered proposal(s).

7 Electronic Bidder Registration Process
Demonstration of Bidder Registration Form

8 Electronic Bidder Registration - Confirmation
After submitting a Bidder Registration Form, you will receive one of two responses: Confirmation: When a Bidder submits a properly completed Bidder Registration Form, upon review by the automated system, the Bidder will receive an per the following illustrative example:

9 Electronic Bidder Registration - Rejection
After submitting a Bidder Registration Form, you will receive one of two responses: Rejection: If the automated system finds required fields which are incomplete, then the system will send an to the Bidder indicating the incomplete information per the following illustrative example:

10 Bidder ID Bidder ID Bidders must be registered in order to obtain a unique Bidder ID number; a valid Bidder ID is required for proposal submission. Each unique Bidder ID will be randomly generated by the automated system, and will be comprised of the letter “B” followed by two numbers (Example: B11). The Bidder ID will be used to identify Bidders in order to maintain Bidder anonymity during the proposal evaluation process. Please keep a record of Bidder IDs for future correspondence.

11 Plant ID Plant ID Bidders must register all plants from which Bidder intends to submit a proposal in order to obtain unique Plant IDs for each plant. Each unique Plant ID will be randomly generated by the automated system, and will be comprised of the letter “R” followed by three numbers (Example: R222). If Bidder wants to include additional plants prior to the deadline, Bidder must add those plants below the plants previously registered, and resubmit the Bidder Registration Form. Please note that any previously submitted Bidder Registration Forms are superceded by the last Bidder Registration Form that is confirmed as timely received by the ESI automated system. Please keep a record of all Plant IDs for future correspondence. Bidders may register a maximum of 10 plants.

12 Proposal ID Proposal ID
Bidders must register all proposals in order to obtain unique Proposal IDs for each proposal. Each unique Proposal ID will be randomly generated by the automated system, and will be comprised of the letter “P” followed by four numbers (Example: P3420). If Bidder wants to include additional proposals prior to the Bidder Registration deadline, Bidder must add those proposals below the proposals previously registered, and resubmit the Bidder Registration Form. Please note that any previously submitted Bidder Registration Forms are superceded by the last Bidder Registration Form that is confirmed as timely received by the ESI automated system. Bidders will be invoiced for each proposal submitted, and the Proposal ID shall serve as the unique identifier for that registered proposal. Please keep a record of all Proposal IDs for future correspondence. Bidders may register a maximum of 25 proposals.

13 Signature ID During Bidder Registration, Bidders must indicate whether they will use electronic signature for proposal submission. If Bidders elect use of an electronic signature: an electronic signature identification number (“Signature ID”) will be assigned during Bidder Registration Each unique Signature ID will be randomly generated by the automated system, and will be comprised of the letter “S” followed by four numbers (Example: S5555). Upon receiving confirmation of proposal receipt, Bidders will be required to print, sign and fax the executed signature page to the RFP Administrator in order to complete proposal submission. Bidders must use the Signature ID to execute all proposals submitted. Please keep a record of Signature ID for future correspondence. If Bidders decline use of an electronic signature, then when submitting proposals:

14 Electronic Proposal Submission Process
Proposals will be accepted via electronic submission only ( attachment) between the follow times: CCGT Proposals: 8:00 a.m. CPT, May 1, 2006 through 5:00 p.m. CPT, May 5, 2006 Solid Fuel Proposals: 8:00 a.m. CPT, May 15, 2006 through 5:00 p.m. CPT, May 19, 2006 Bidders must submit a correct address for each proposal Bidder may submit up to the number of proposals registered Bidder MUST have remitted Proposal Submittal Fees prior to submitting proposal(s) Bidder ID, Plant ID and Proposal ID are required for successful proposal submission To reference Bidder or generating plant throughout the proposal, please use Bidder ID and Plant ID unless otherwise specifically requested Refrain from references to Bidder name and/or plant name other than where specifically requested Bidders are encouraged to submit their proposals well in advance of the deadline to provide Bidders adequate time to correct any errors that may be identified in the electronic review process

15 Electronic Proposal Submission Process
In order to complete proposal submission, Bidders must: Download the appropriate Proposal Submission Forms from ESI’s RFP website; Complete the form and save the document; the form to ESI’s RFP address (to be provided on April 17, 2006); For Bidders who did NOT elect during Registration to use electronic signature, upon receipt of confirmation of a proposal, print, sign and fax an executed signature page to ESI’s RFP Administrator, fax# (281) Word macros must be enabled in order to properly complete the Form If no reply is received within 30 minutes, please confirm the address you filled in the Proposal Form, and resubmit if necessary ESI will have an RFP “Hotline” available during April 18th through May 19th to assist Bidders only with respect to technical questions regarding the electronic registration or proposal submission process

16 Electronic Proposal Submission Process
Demonstration of Proposal Submission Form

17 Electronic Proposal Submission - Confirmation
After submitting a Proposal Submission Form, you will receive one of two responses: Confirmation: When a Bidder submits a properly completed Proposal Submission Form, upon review by the automated system, the Bidder will receive an as per the following illustrative example:

18 Electronic Proposal Submission - Rejection
After submitting a Proposal Submission Form, you will receive one of two responses: Rejection: If the automated system finds required fields which are incomplete, then the system will send an to Bidder indicating the incomplete information per the following illustrative example:

19 Completion of Electronic Proposal Submission
If during the Bidder Registration Process, Bidder elected use of electronic signature, then proposal submission is complete when Bidder receives a proposal confirmation from ESI. If during the Bidder Registration Process, Bidder did not elect to use electronic signature, then upon receiving the proposal confirmation from ESI, Bidder must print, sign, and fax or an executed signature page to ESI’s RFP Administrator. Proposal submission is not complete until an executed signature page is received by ESI’s RFP Administrator.

20 Key Takeaways Word macros must be enabled in order to complete forms properly. Bidders also must register all proposals during the registration process. The Bidder must submit a correct address. Bidder Registration Process Bidder Registration Forms must be submitted via electronic submission only ( ) between 8:00 a.m. CPT, April 18, 2006, through 5:00 p.m. CPT, April 21, 2006. Bidder Registration Forms should be submitted well in advance of the deadline to provide adequate time to correct any errors which may be identified after submission. Bidder Registration is not complete until a faxed, executed, Bidder Registration Form is received by ESI’s RFP Administrator and Proposal Submittal Fee is paid. Remit wire payment for Proposal Submittal Fee no later than 5:00 p.m. CPT on April 27, 2006.

21 Key Takeaways Proposal Submission Process
All Proposal Submission Forms must be properly submitted via electronic submission during the following times: CCGT Proposals: 8:00 a.m. CPT, May 1, 2006 through 5:00 p.m. CPT, May 5, 2006 Solid Fuel Proposals: 8:00 a.m. CPT, May 15, 2006 through 5:00 p.m. CPT, May 19, 2006 For Bidders who did NOT elect to use electronic signature, upon receipt of proposal confirmation, print, sign and fax an executed signature page. Please submit proposals well in advance of the deadline to provide adequate time to correct any errors which may be identified in the electronic proposal submission process and provide ample time for the Bidder to resubmit a valid proposal by the specified deadline if necessary.

22 Periodically check the RFP Website for additional information:
Questions? ESI will have an RFP “Hotline” available during April 18th through May 19th (regular business hours) to assist with technical questions Periodically check the RFP Website for additional information:

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