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A chef peels several cloves of garlic for use in a recipe

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1 A chef peels several cloves of garlic for use in a recipe
A chef peels several cloves of garlic for use in a recipe. The chef puts the peeled garlic in a plastic bag and places the bag in the refrigerator. Several hours later, the chef opens the refrigerator and observes a strong smell of garlic. Through what process were molecules able to pass through the plastic bag? A osmosis B diffusion C cell division D photosynthesis

2 Bellwork Review A chef peels several cloves of garlic for use in a recipe. The chef puts the peeled garlic in a plastic bag and places the bag in the refrigerator. Several hours later, the chef opens the refrigerator and observes a strong smell of garlic. Through what process were molecules able to pass through the plastic bag?  A) osmosis- Incorrect, osmosis is the diffusion of water. B) diffusion- Correct, the particles of garlic that moved through the bag moved from an area of high concentration (lots of garlic) to areas of low concentration (not much garlic) and will continue to move until equilibrium (equal amounts everywhere) is reached   C) cell division- incorrect, this is the process by which cells create new cells.  D) photosynthesis-incorrect, this is the process by which plants use sunlight to create food for the plant cell. 

3 Objectives Students will be able to analyze how plant and animal cells are organized to carry on the processes of life.  SPI Explain how materials move through simple diffusion.  Success Criteria: I can explain simple diffusion and osmosis.  

4 Diffusion Lab Questions- Answer on a separate piece of paper and turn in.
 The plastic bag is semipermeable to which substance?​ Why did the iodine enter the bag?​ Why didn’t the starch enter the beaker?​ How is the plastic bag like the cell membrane?​ What is the definition of the word “diffusion”?

5 Question...Elbow Partner
In diffusion and osmosis, why do the particles move from areas that are more crowded to areas that are less crowded? For a cell to survive, the amount of molecules need to be the same on both sides of the cell membrane. If the cell does not pump out all of its extras to even things out, this could be very bad. The cell can swell up and explode. Listen to this…

6 TOC: Diffusion & Osmosis Notes What is Diffusion
TOC: Diffusion & Osmosis Notes What is Diffusion? -only write down the bolded teal sentences. The movement of particles from regions or areas of HIGH concentration (crowded) to areas of LOW concentration (less crowded) is called DIFFUSION.  Look at Figure 1 on pg. 78! The dye moved from an area of high concentration and spread to the area of low concentration. Why? Ex: when oxygen diffuses into the cell and carbon dioxide diffuses out.

7 Equilibrium Sugar molecules, initially in a high concentration at the bottom of a beaker, will move about randomly through diffusion and eventually reach equilibrium. Equilibrium: The concentration is the same throughout or on both sides of a semi-permeable membrane. Diffusion occurs naturally because of the kinetic energy the molecules possess.

8 Diffusion of Water Diffusion also happens with and between living cells. The cells of organisms are surrounded by and filled with fluids that are made mostly of WATER. The diffusion of water through a SEMI-PERMEABLE (partially allows things through) membrane is so important that it has been given a special name- OSMOSIS. Video1 Video2 Look at Figure 2 on pg. 79!

9 Moving Small Particles
In a cell, the movement of particles across a cell membrane WITHOUT the use of energy by the cell is called PASSIVE TRANSPORT. During passive transport, particles move from an area of HIGH concentration to an area of LOW concentration. Examples:DIFFUSION & OSMOSIS A process of transporting particles that requires the cell to use energy is called ACTIVE TRANSPORT. Active transport usually involves the movement of particles from an area of LOW concentration to an area of HIGH. This happens a lot in neurons. The membrane proteins are constantly pumping ions (atoms or molecules that have a + or – electrical charge) in and out to get the membrane of the neuron ready to transmit electrical impulses.

10 Moving Large Particles
The active transport by which a cell surrounds a large particle, such as a large PROTEIN, and encloses the particle in a vesicle to bring the particle into the cell is called ENDOCYTOSIS. Vesicles are SACS formed from pieces of cell membrane. Ex: when iron diffuses into the cell using active transport because the iron molecules are too large. When large particles, such as WASTE, leave the cell, the cell uses an active transport called EXOCYTOSIS. During exocytosis, a vesicle forms around the large particle, carries the particle to the cell membrane, fuses with the cell membrane, and releases the particle outside of the cell.

11 Brain pop!!!

12 If time left... In your journals on the same page you took notes, draw a picture that reprents diffuion or osmosis. (Something is moving from high concentration to a low concentration to reach equalibrium.)  Write a caption that explains how the pictures illustrates diffuion or osmosis.

13 Exit Post-It When is equilibrium reached during diffusion?
A when the concentration of a substance is higher inside a cell than outside the cell B when the concentration of a substance is lower inside a cell than outside the cell C when the concentration of a substance inside a cell is the same as the concentration of the substance outside the cell D when the concentration of a substance inside a cell becomes zero

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