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Departure View Glossary
Presenter's Name Departure View Glossary TEMPLATE UPDATED 2 AUGUST 2018 Metric and EVP Attribute Definitions
Departure View Glossary
Key Term Definition Departure Index An average of the Employee Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score, and EVP Alignment scores. Employee Satisfaction The level of satisfaction of employees during their employment. Percent of employees who selected “Satisfied” or “Somewhat Satisfied” from the question “Overall, how satisfied were you with your employment experience?” Net Promoter Score (NPS) The brand value of your organization as a 'Great Employer'. Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated from the question, "How likely is it that you would recommend the organization to a friend or colleague as a great place to work?". This question is asked on a 0-10 scale with 0 being not at all likely and 10 being extremely likely. The Net Promoter Score equals the percentage of employees who selected 9 and 10 (known as Favorable) minus the percentage of employees that selected 6 or below (known as Unfavorable). EVP Alignment How closely your competitive EVP attributes align with those of your industry peers. Departure Satisfaction: Favorable Percent of employees who selected “Satisfied” or “Somewhat Satisfied” from the question “Overall, how satisfied were you with your employment experience?” Departure Satisfaction: Neutral Percent of employees who selected “Neutral” from the question “Overall, how satisfied were you with your employment experience?” Departure Satisfaction: Unfavorable Percent of employees who selected “Dissatisfied” or “Somewhat Dissatisfied” from the question “Overall, how satisfied were you with your employment experience?” NPS Favorable Employees who selected 9 and 10 on the question, "How likely is it that you would recommend the organization to a friend or colleague as a great place to work?“ A response of 10 indicates that he or she is extremely likely to recommend the organization as a great place to work. NPS Neutral Employees who selected 7 and 8 on the question, "How likely is it that you would recommend the organization to a friend or colleague as a great place to work?" NPS Unfavorable Employees who selected 6 and below to the question, "How likely is it that you would recommend the organization to a friend or colleague as a great place to work?“ A response of 0 indicates that he or she is not at all likely to recommend the organization as a great place to work.
Departure View Glossary
Key Term Definition Employment Value Proposition The Employment Value Proposition (EVP) is the set of attributes that employees perceive as the value they gain through employment with the organization. These attributes determine employees' attraction towards a potential employer and build up their retention with an existing employer. Dissatisfaction with these attributes gradually leads to attrition within organizations. EVP Dissatisfaction This section summarizes areas of your EVP that departing employees are most dissatisfied with. Participants are presented with a list of 38 EVP attributes and are asked to select the top five areas where, if your organization were to have improved them, may have prevented them from leaving the organization. Use this section to identify areas with the highest dissatisfaction and compare them to the benchmark. EVP Anticipated Improvement This section summarizes EVP areas where employees anticipate maximum improvement at their new organization. Participants are presented with a list of 38 EVP attributes and are asked to select the top five areas that they think will be better at their new organization. Use this section to identify areas that employees find most lucrative/attractive at their new organizations and compare them to the benchmark. Identifier A dropdown on ‘Comments’ tab that allows to choose the demographic by which you can identify the comment’s origin, such as Function or Level. Segments to Watch (Dashboard) A dropdown on ‘Reports’ tab that allows you to choose the demographic to dig deeper to understand the demographic sections that are most impacted with each reason of departure and EVP. Segments to Watch (Spotlight Report) The demographic group with the largest count within each category for reasons for departure and EVP Competitiveness. These are found on Slides 4 and 5 in the Spotlight Report.
EVP Attribute Glossary
Definition Business Travel The amount of out-of-town business travel required by the job. Camaraderie The ability to socialize and interact regularly with colleagues. Collegial Work Environment The degree of team-oriented and collaborative work in your daily responsibilities. Compensation The competitiveness of the job’s financial compensation package. Coworker Quality The perceived caliber and temperament of co-workers at the organization. Customer Prestige The quality and prestige of the clients/customers served by the organization. Development Opportunity The professional opportunities and learning experiences available at the organization. Empowerment The level of involvement employees have in decisions that affect their job and career Environmental Responsibility The organization's active commitment to ensure environmental health and sustainability. Ethics/Integrity The organization’s commitment to ethical practices across the company. Formality of Work Environment The structure of the work environment and its degree of formality. Future Career Opportunity The organization's support of employees' upward and lateral mobility during their tenure. 'Great Employer' Recognition Whether or not the organization has been recognized by a third-party organization as a good place to work Growth Rate The current and projected growth of the organization's business. Health Benefits The comprehensiveness of the organization’s health benefits. Inclusion/Diversity The organization’s commitment to having a diverse workforce. Industry Desirability The appeal of the organization’s line of business for your career. Innovative Work The opportunity provided by your job to work on new, “leading edge” projects. Job-Interests Alignment The degree to which job responsibilities match your professional interests.
EVP Attribute Glossary
Definition Level of Impact The level of influence the job has on business outcomes. Location The alignment of locations with employee’s preferences Manager Quality The effectiveness of the employee's relationship with their direct manager. Market Position The relative ranking (size, revenue, etc.) the organization holds compared to its industry peers. Meritocracy The organization’s commitment to reward and promote employees based on achievements Organization Size The size of the organization's workforce. People Management The organization’s reputation for developing and motivating employees and building team culture. Product or Service Quality The reputation of the organization’s products and services. Recognition The type and level of recognition employees receive for their work Respect The level of respect the employee perceives from the organization. Retirement Benefits The comprehensiveness of the organization’s retirement benefits. Risk Taking The organization's approach towards risk when driving innovation. Senior Leadership Reputation The perceived quality of the organization's leadership team. Social Responsibility The organization’s level of commitment to corporate citizenship and philanthropy. Stability The consistency of the organizational structure and the job security experienced by the employee. Technology Level The organization’s investment in new technology and equipment for employees to complete daily responsibilities. Vacation The amount of holiday/vacation time available to employees annually. Well Known Product Brand The level of knowledge of the organization's brand is in the marketplace. Work-Life Balance The extent to which the job allows you to balance your work with other commitments.
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